A friend talked to me the other day about how they were tempted to go play some slots after seeing a stream for the last couple of days.
I decided why not and told him to send me a link so we can watch together for a while. During the span of 20 minutes the streamer got at least 3 jackpots of over 100x.
We all know that when playing slots it's more likely than not that you end up burning your entire balance before you can win anything significant. Surely you could get a few wins here and there but not enough to remain in profit forever.
So this got me suspicious and I started digging. On online forums like this one many people have observed that streamers and those doing slot videos on YouTube have very unrealistic streaks.
Of course this raises suspicions but casinos keep doing these sponsored streams.
So I wonder what could possibly be going on here. Is it normal to see so may wins as the streamers get? And if you see this, doesn't it make you less likely to trust a casino hosting something seemingly so suspicious?
This is how the business works on which we could really be able to assume about the probabilities on why they win up big.
1. Sponsored money - Doesnt care on how base bet they would be putting into. Make rolls like a mad man and win up something big
2. Possible rigged odd chance of winning
3. Accused Demo plays
You would really be seeing commonly these kind of streams on which it could really that make hook you up on playing slots on the moment that you've seen that they are winning up big time.
If you are a slot lover then most likely you would really be spiked up and feeling up that boost when you do see those wins and most likely you would be making deposits after seeing those streamers online.
This is why it would really be that important that you shouldnt really be getting hyped whenever you do see these videos. If you do find out yourself having those kind of tingling feeling then it would
be better or ideal that you should really be avoiding on dealing with it and would really be starting to distract yourself in something else. We do know that once urge would really be starting to kick in
then it would really be that so damn hard to stop.
Play for fun and dont try to mimic yourself into those streamers that you could see online. From the bankroll that they do have and the base bet that they do in every roll is already a huge gap
specially for us who do tend to play on base bet. lol