streamers usually work with the casino where they play to promote the casino to their viewers, so you don't need to be surprised to see how these streamers can win a lot in a short time, it's not about him having high luck or having a certain strategy that can make him win, but it's because the casino designed him to win a lot to attract viewers to use the casino. and because of that, viewers don't need to take these streamers too seriously, let alone be motivated to keep playing until they get the jackpot, just make it entertainment and gamble according to the limits.
Exactly, you need to know that these things are marketing strategies for these casinos. I mean, you gamble, you play games, and you don't win often like that or even win a large amount. And then a streamer just comes and wins 100x. You are supposed to know that something is wrong somewhere.
And for you to see that they are promoting a particular casino, that's just enough to tell you that either it's programmed or edited or whatever. But just a way to entice gamblers to play. Maybe for the period of those ads, their winning stakes might be higher, but over time, it goes back to normal where you play a lot of games before you win.
So it should not be too difficult to figure out it's for promotion. It's a marketing strategy to grow. Casinos want to profit too, so what do you expect, They lure people in.