"blockchain driver" Please update the driver. It is that simple.
update: did try the standalone zip version , it running well on a rig
another rig trying update to new driver now
update2 :
update driver to newest amd driver / ggs suggested driver / github recommended 1.8.11 all not working
running stand alone version work
update 3:
from older version , simply upgrade by execute the new version .msi it will do the trick and replace the older version
at the 1.3.4 , the msi installed and the older 1.3.2 will still remain , conflict may happen ( actually i saw them two exist at the same time)
removed both of them and install 1.3.4 again , the magic happen
damn , i am just so lazy and problem happen =[
update 4: others rig fixed and working , remove all version ggs and install 1.3.4 , driver revert to blockchain
still got one not working under all combination , still try to figure out what happen +__+
update 5 : finally get the last rig working
i download the .msi again to prevent corruption
after installation , i open the binary folder and delete them , restart the 1.3.4 , it work now