just an observation..
I ordered Gridseed blades with a delivery time of 5 days a few weeks ago knowing full well that at any day and at any time another system could be announced that would offer hash rates cheaper and when the gawminer and hashra units were announced I didn't go back to the company I ordered from an ask for a refund - sometimes you eat the bear and sometimes the bear eats you....at the point in time I ordered it was the best deal going and I accept that - risk, reward and return go hand in hand - you can't gamble without accepting risk.
that said - I will say that if a company sold me a system and that company had full knowledge that the system they were selling me would be 'kind of' obsoleted price wise by a system they were involved in developing and delivering within a few weeks of the date they sold me the prior system - I would indeed be upset.
As I have said many times. We have no control on how gridseed changes the price or any warning when they are about to.
Let me illustrate this:
Last week (before the price drop) they called us and said that there was a Chinese holiday at the end of the week. And if we did not order as much as possible, we would not get any of our gear shipped later in the week.
So we did, we ordered as much as possible.
Then they changed the prices. Literally, the NEXT business day, they changed he prices by 40%.
This week.
After many emails, threats, etc. They finally agreed to a compensation for customer that bought blades. But, it was far less then what was right.
So we were scheduled to meet again to review.
A few people in the company saw our thread on how they were handling things. They got pissed about our transparency about all this. They then reneged on the entire reimbursement for customer and went back on their word. They then demanded that I fly one of my executives to their office to apologize to the CEO. This has been done and I am not waiting to see if they "feel" like doing the reimbursements.
Thats what I am dealing with.