Onward, Christian soldiers, marching as to war,
with the cross of Jesus going on before.
Christ, the royal Master, leads against the foe;
forward into battle see his banners go!
Word is, today is Media Blitz day... Troll Hunters Unite!
Well, guys, it's looking like today is the day that most of the media tour articles are due to be posted, and you all know what that means - the trolls will be out from under their bridges and rocks, crawling out of caves, all to grab a few seconds of fame trying to spread their FUD. Troll hunters - it's open season. Let's see what we can do to balance out the BS and help boost Paycoin as best we can. It'll take some effort, but labours of love are definitely worth it - form up and post threads you see in the news and let's do our best to spread the education around.
@Daffy @Allen1980s @Diggio @PCfan @tankjnr @cyberlizard @redacted @InsaneMiner @quigley @DirtFighter @BitJane @gava and the rest of the community - this is a call to arms!
Remember, keep emotion out of it, make your points in a level headed fashion and don't allow yourself to get sucked into name calling. This is about educating people and dispelling fear, uncertainty and doubt for the world that's going to learn about our bridge to the future today. Let's give them a positive first experience!
EDIT - update this thread when you find an article or release and I'll keep the OP updated throughout the day. PM me so I can keep the thread and URL's up to date please.
StreetInsider - thanks @Pryderi
Yahoo Finance - thanks @pryderi
Sys-Con Media - thanks @Gava
Payment Eye - thanks @Allen1980s
Holy Nerdvana - thanks @Allen1980s
MarketWatch - thanks @Allen1980s
MarketWired - thanks @gava
BitcoinDailyHerald - thanks @scotterdu
Virtual Strategies - thanks @Izerian