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Industry Innovator
Notice: Troll FUD Guide
I typically just ignore trolls. But, I know it creates confusion, especially to people that are new. So I want to arm you with facts :grinning:
Like any company we get our fair share of trolls. In our case, they primarily live under the btctalk and reddit bridge. They will use words like scam, ponzi, etc. More recently, they are asking other trolls to file reports against us with the SEC, etc. Don't let them scare you, that' their job. And a troll is not doing their job if they are not creating issues.
The most important thing in coming to your own conclusions is evidence and context.
Always look at the trolls post history. You will find that about 80% of them post the same thing over and over again. More importantly, it will be the only thing they ever post about. What does that tell you? Thats called a troll.
The inverse is also quite true too. If you see, what seems to be, a troll post something negative and generally their comment history is reasonable. Then thats something to take more seriously.
Facts and Evidence
Always look for facts and evidence. When a troll alleges we have done X wrong, ask them to provide some evidence. They will either provide none, and just tell you they "know" its true. Or they will try the "well they have not proven other wise" approach. Luckily, we live in a country where you do not automatically become guilty of something because you have chosen to not respond :grinning:
Let me share something with you all (and trolls).
My attorneys regularly deal with all these agencies (FTC, FCC, etc). In almost all cases, the only times these guys get involved is when a loss happens. In other words, something has to go wrong before they act.
For example, with BFL or MT Gox. In those cases there was a loss. People lost money, that was their claim.
None of these departments will do anything when there is no claim.You can report anything you want for any reason. You can tell them "I think something is going on over there" (which is what all these guys are doing), and they are going to say "ok, let me know when something is a issue"
For example, take a look at this guy:"Confirmed"? By the vary nature of filing a report makes it confirmed. So it already starts off making no sense (he does it to create the illusion of sounding important). Notice the rest of it "Formal Securities Fraud Investigation Requested with the SEC "
Anyone can do that for any reason. I could, literally, go down to the pizza shop next store, make up a reason, and file a report on them. It means nothing. There has to be an actual loss.
When you look at what these trolls write, you will see one thing in common. There is no actual loss. The closest thing would be accounts that got put on hold (which were put on holds for reason). But, notice that none of these guys bring up any dollar amount. Its because they don't have one and nothing has been taken. In fact, most of these guys still do business with us!
GAW has never taken anything from someone and not given them what the purchased. If this ever becomes the case email our support email address and attention it to me, and I will address myself.
Does this make sense? Next time your dealing with a troll, just link them here.