You can only prove its a ponzi after it implodes. Until it stops paying, everyone who has drank the coolaid will keep paying in because they keep getting paid. On that note, people please keep paying in, the longer I can receive my "mining" income the better.
I understand that there's a ton of things that GAW is not telling, but I don't know if there's any proof of it being a ponzi scheme.
I have about 130Mhs in zen, so I'm interested in seeing evidence if there is any, but so far there's none, just a lot of unhappy people for no good reason
Its not for no good reason. Maybe you haven't been paying attention, but crash and I both have reasons to be a bit miffed, unhappy isn't the word for it. Josh also used the words working against them. That's not what some of us have been doing.
This topic has likely been beaten into the ground, I got similar answers from josh via pm as someone else did here via email. While I am not certain either way, its pointless to keep discussing this until we get some more information. All we are doing now is running in circles and rehashing the same info over and over, and we are also attracting true trolls jumping in to say gaw stole my money, or zen took my house, etc.