Can't see why you got suspended.
Round two is on track, but I just heard we may have to cancel round three. Round one investors have a large appetite #HashCoin
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@gawceo So you're going to fuck everyone that blindly trusted? Nice JOSH! this is all coming to an end sooner than i thought...
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I think we can see why he didn't like it
Is there a twitter policy against four letter words? That's about the only thing I could imagine being a problem.
Not that i can find, guessing he must advertise with twitter and used clout? I have no idea.... just insane lengths he will go to too shut people up
I just posted to his account saying cancel round 3 so people have to buy Primes so GAW make 10% just before this coin fails.
Kept it simple, not to mean and no curse words. Lets see if my account gets suspended.
Just letting you know he has people monitoring all these forums... Was told that by him when I sent a PM to get un-banned from hashtalk.. What goes through my mind is WHY? Why should he care about these chats? only someone hiding something would worry.. It just seems like a big waste of resources and time..
besides twitter I've been banned from their reddit sub, had 3 accounts banned on hashtalk, 1 shadow banned on hash talk, i actually PMed josh from it and just told him i was tired of his crap and to please close my zen account and close my worthless shadow banned account on hash talk account, he actually replied and obliged, oh and if he has people reading this i just purchased, so I'll probably get a letter for that in the mail now...
Get an Onion pi or ToR or both... that will solve the banning problems
These are account bans I don't think it's based on IP addresses.