Unfortunately, we can not reverse transactions that we listed incorrectly by sellers.
Imagine a situation where every time a sellers sold a hashlet, then changed their mind (or listed incorrectly, we reversed it. Just like eBay, you can list your Hashlets for any price you want, and you can change it anytime before it's sold. But once it sells, it can not be reversed.
I hope this clears this matter up a bit.
Bullshit! Ebay sales CAN be reversed...all these cloud hashing shite sounds like pure BS to me..this will be the death of mining mark my words
tough luck OP unless other people come out and say they had similar problems you won't get anywhere
Buyers can also cancel or retract bids so not the only way I am afraid. eBay accept it and doing nothing about it. The same goes for sellers who can refuse or cancel sales based on a number of reasons.