I feel like gay people have twisted their own words and made themselves look like a joke. Right now, you can marry anyone you'd like. However that shouldn't be the case until they can actually prove that marriage is not a joke to them.
You say some really ignorant bullshit...
But seriously... Do straight people have to prove marriage is not a joke to them also?
Do you agree that this statement is double-standard hypocritical bullshit?
Do you even know what the ignorant means? I don't mean to get hostile but seriously. Every time I have a discussion with a democrat they call me "ignorant". It simply means uninformed or uneducated. It doesn't mean anything else!
How do you know I am not gay? And what if I am? Will my previous statement on marriage still matter to you and would I still be ignorant?But in regards to your question, I totally agree that
everyone needs to start taking marriage seriously. This thread was specifically about gay marriage so that is why I am posting about it. I understand that there are all straights, gays and lesbians (and probably what ever else) who do not take marriage seriously. That being said, marriage is an institution that has existed for centuries and is a tradition. It must be respected. Of course we can make amendments to those traditions, I am not saying we can't. But those amendments must be compatible with the previous regulations/rules.
Are you a strange gay
You like tradition so much why don't you join the Dani Tribe
And also god hates gays..
This thread was specifically about gay marriage you say.Read the statement being made.
And if your gay your a thick shit..if 2 gay couples get married will the kids they have be fucked up kids
yes or no ?..
And also you fuckin moron how many gays do you know that say i am getting married then split up then get married then split up..Most gays that get married stay married not like straight couples marry 2 to 5 times over there life time.
where do you spend your nights in here
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tdbt-sx5MDcThe question is not what do you think on gay marriage..It's saying if your gay and you get married your family will be a fucked up one lots of family problems is this true?
Because it's been proven to be a lie. Remember you can always join the Dani tribe if you love your tradition.
Did you get married and your lover left you because sounds like your pig sick over the split .Did he or she promise you the world and left you with nothing?A bitter gay are you..
Then if your not gay where is all these gays talking about marriage like it was a joke that you know of.
Or are you lying about the whole situation Which is it story 1 or 2..
Are you religious then it sums it all up A RELIGIOUS HATER.Everybody knows religious freaks hate gays.
You really are a plant pot it's not a debate it's an insult THICK SHIT
plus old testament was tradition why the new testament who decided to break that tradition..
So lets keep traditions king JavaLove likes only
So there were a lot of questions asked here, totally disordered I may add.
I will start off by answering one of the questions: yes I am religious. If it wasn't obvious I am a Christian but I totally disagree with your statement. I wouldn't call myself a religious "freak" however I do defend my religion and believe highly in it. I don't agree where you said religious freaks hate gays. I don't hate ANYONE. You can call me moron, cunt, whatever I still don't hate you. Same thing with a gay person. As I said you don't even know if I am gay or not. If I am gay thanks for calling me thick shit. I guess it's a compliment.
The numbers on straight people getting divorced is higher than gay people because there are not as many gay people who are married yet. You've got to let the numbers come out. However, look at how most gay people view marriage. It's not usually in a good way. Now, they can say whatever they'd like I don't care however you should have respect for the institution that you are entering.
Again, marriage is an age old tradition. I never said it can't be changed. But, you referenced the thread, this thread is discussing if "gay marriage will destabilize family life" which is totally true. The family tradition was a man and a woman. I don't care in which way you spin it, that's already a destabilization.
I need to repeat myself: you can be with a guy, you can be with a girl but marriage is a tradition that has existed for generations. Just because you want to date someone/something (because some people actually want to date objects) different doesn't mean you should participate in the tradition. If it's existed for years, then go along with your daily life. It's not a requirement to be married and if you want to be married, go with the opposite sex.
Finally: I like the last sentence. Going with traditions "King JavaLove" only likes sounds great to me.