Destabilize by the gay marriage
Gays destabilize family life that's for sure. But their right to get married? I don't see how this part could destabilize anything ^^
Taxation, personal rights, adoption rules, perhaps labor discrimination and societal snowball effects.
It's more of a butterfly effect it creates rifts all over the place.
In Taxation if its not set equal to marriage between traditional couples it creates issues defining benefits and taxation rules similar to or different to straight couples based on children etc and if their is any other benefits based on minority rules. If nothing is different no snowball effect, but if any subsidy for minorities as defined by legal changes is done then it starts to impact the revenue and takes away from other services.
In the case Taxation is impacted, lets say it was done indirectly, example a law is passed in adoption priorities, where services prioritize perceived minority adoption over traditional families in this case gay marriage couples are first on the ticket for adoption of a child.
This can create a perceived and actual affect on the people involved as the agency may have a bias either way based on a formula set by the law.
If so does a child have the right to decide who they will accept as their parents, it can be made that the child should makes that decision, if its not in their opinion to be adopted by gays or traditional families but is set in law that minorities are first that would raise an issue. As it is that is not defined and should not be no special privileges based on gender race or orientation in adoption should be set.
I guess here it could destabilize a potential family life that could have been in that wishy washy oh what could have been if only X didn't happen sense of the word
Labor discrimination comes up on occasion in gay marriage, but its in the sense that a person can identify as gay to get a competitive edge in the labor market. (So it's more less another way to try to declare as a minority and get a foot in the door over someone else equally qualified) Legal now so it's a bit of an edge that comes from its legalization, where as before it's still fair game for both while adding a criteria for minority groups might have added gay marriage after the court ruling in some companies.
Again more of it could have been me if the employer didn't have a minority quota that defined gay married couples as a group to meet a quota maybe I could get that job. Wishy Washy since an employer has other considerations.
The real backbone of this argument of how it impacts me is in Societal snowball effects:
I say I don't like Gay marriage which is within my rights, now I'm perceived as a racist, geez I rather get on board or someone will trample over my liberties.
I run a traditional school that has for years encouraged prayers in school and straight sex relationships, now the government is telling me to quash my religious liberties and traditions because Gay Marriage is legal, allow gays into my school and legalize gay sex in my dorms even though it's against my schools beliefs and their are other schools possibly even next door that a Student can take law classes in that would gladly accept them.
(Kind of like inclusive catholic schools , theirs a public school next door it's a great school if you don't want to take religious classes here their is no problem going over there.)
Yet for some reason they want to go to this law school and impose their agenda on my institution, maybe cause its close by or the entrance requirements are lower and easier to get in, maybe its their first choice for some obscure reason, or they have a hidden equality agenda and want to screw around with the rules here and prevent another Scalia in the Supreme Court who knows, but I know one thing don't mess with the status quo, in a religious institution obey the rules and follow them else apply elsewhere as its within the rights of the school to deny students for this and I have done a reasonable amount to accommodate them as students.
Either way the rule of dormitories and the impact of gay married couples in schools that prohibit that type of marriage is a testy ground. Lets say the school decides to take them in but later another issue arises.
A Politically Correct agenda would feed money towards any Public Action Committee that opposes the viewpoint of gays needing to not be gay at a religious institution and call them villains even though they are the ones intruding on the rules set by the organization and breaking the tradition.
The media now has free reign to say whatever they want to support this new legislation, and anyone who offers criticism pertaining to it is censured silenced and not allowed to express their opinion without being called a bigot boo-hoo for equality.
Those are the main issues of snowball effects that can impact life from that ruling.
And for your comfort
How would it destabilize a family, said parents are gay they adopt a kid and they want housing in that religious schools dormitory for married couples because they are students at that school.
Now is that an intrusion on personal liberties, religious liberties or did they give up the right to their viewpoint and access to the dormitory housing when they decided to apply for that religious community and school knowing all of this beforehand and the regulations they had.
The butterfly effect is far reaching one little ruling can create some quite fun scenarios