False. It affects only gays... I don't even see how you can think otherwise...
And nobody accused you of bigotery. You were just told that your argument is stupid and false. Except for Popcorn1 of course but he keeps insulting and yelling on everyone so that doesn't count.
Saying "false", and then not explaining your reasoning at all is not an argument. That is just you standing on a street corner with a bullhorn yelling your opinion at the world. Yes, more opinions my argument is "stupid & false", of course no reasoning behind it to back that up, it just is because I said so. You are right no one accused me of "bigotery", but popcorn is a perfect example of the hostility of the true believers who are "intolerant of intolerance" and think they are "evening things out" by attacking "the other side", when in reality we are all on the same side and he is actually driving people away from accepting homosexuals with his behavior. He is not exactly the best ambassador for the gay community (or the English speaking community either). I am glad you can designate him as "doesn't count" for me, otherwise I would have to make that decision for myself.
The fact is gay marriage effects everyone regardless of your denials. The law is designed to apply to everyone equally. The law does not verify your sexual preferences, it applies to all humans in the jurisdiction, and all humans in the jurisdiction pay the price of the legislation. Saying "false" does not make this less true, and denying anyone else a say in this situation is not equality, it is the creation of a "protected class" which we can not discuss without spiteful shitheels like popcorn on "both sides" of the fence demolishing anything resembling civil debate, thinking he is "winning" by doing so.
I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business. It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.
Yes it is upon their business. Besides business it's opposite to nature as well the creations. For some sort of need someone started regulating it which eventually got acceptance over other countries. This needs to be eliminated.
it's opposite to nature as well the creations..So why does it repeat over and over again in most species..And it's you who needs to be eliminated.ANOTHER THICK SHIT.
It be nice for subject to go because it's all lies but be my guest and try and i will rip you to shreds on this subject.HOW CAN ANYONE WIN AGAINST LOVE..So come and try
Actually, it makes it easier to criticize. Until the government got involved in marriage, the vast majority of them were successful. Now with no fault divorce, people (mostly women) are paid to break up their marriages and then either supported by their divorced partner and or the state. The government getting involved in marriage of any kind is a failure. Government involvement in marriage should be abolished for everyone. Now days more marriages fail than succeed. State marriage is simply a system to strip the population of its wealth by eating families, gay or straight.
I'm straight and married and as far as I'm concerned, if two gay people want to get married, that's their business. It's hard to criticize when a large percentage of traditional marriages end in divorce and there are a lot of other heterosexual relationships that produce children out of wedlock.
My Thoughts Exactly! Thank you! I was planning to say almost the same words. We would have the right to be against the gay marriage only if all the heterosexual marriages were perfect. But since they are like Hell mostly why should we oppose something different?
Yes, like opposing government involvement in any marriage, straight or gay.
popcorn is a perfect example of the hostility of the true believers who are "intolerant of intolerance"You say..
Better than no rule with rules.
See the trouble is your saying its a discussion.When it's an insult..This is the same sort of discussion would you discuss this EXAMPLE.
Black people marriage will destabilise family life
Pakistani people marriage will destabilise family life
Ginger people marriage will destabilise family life
Fat people marriage will destabilise family life
Ugly people marriage will destabilise family life
Acne spotty people marriage will destabilise family life
When people get married is it guaranteed they will stay together for ever.When people split up is it nice for there kids to see the break up.
6 examples lets discuss the 6 examples..NO.. why because it's all bullshit and insulting..
So TECSHARE carry on with your fight for NO RULES WITH RULES because you make no sense.
TECSHARE you say government gives us rules and you hate the rules .
So i suppose we need to live by your rules so now we would live under the TECSHARE rules?
So after all that fighting and killing we done for you defeating the government we got to live by your rules now..So all that fighting was for nothing..Back to square 1 with RULES.
How does life work without rules?