USB 1.1 is 1.5 Mb/s, or substantially lower than you might want to run a serial port (SPI or USART, especially- something clocked is probably happy running an order of magnitude faster, depending on the physical layer). USB 2.0 is 480 Mb/s, or so far above what you'd want to do with a serial chip in any situation that there's really no reason to use it- especially since USB 3.0 can fall back to operate in USB 2.0.
I guess drivers could be considered an advantage, but I doubt that anyone is in a hurry to develop USB 3.0 chips just for drivers. The incentive for chip manufacturers is low, since few of their customers want to redo their (existing, supported in OSs) design based around slightly better drivers, and so much existing infrastructure is USB 2.0. It might be better for new projects- although you'd have to get your engineers up to speed.
I suppose they will probably exist eventually, but I doubt it will come out any time soon. Remember, USB 3.0 is going on seven years old and there are currently no USB 3.0 - > SPI/UART/etc. chips. Things like flash drives and SATA, which directly benefit from the higher speeds, have been out for years- because you DO want to run them faster than 480 Mb/s.
While I mostly agreed with your previous post, with this post I mostly disagree. You are essentially doing a historical revisionism.
The historical serial bandwidths peaked at 115200 bps for RS-232 or 230400 bps for RS-422 (Apple Localtalk). The devices supporting or requiring higher USART speeds are extremely, extremely rare.
The main driving force for USB 1.1 to USB 2.0 upgrade was that 1.1 devices slowed down the USB hubs forcing people to the inconvenient setups involving separate hubs for USB 1.1 and USB 2.0. At the same time USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 still used nearly exactly same PHY interface, in particular using the same copper pair for the signaling.
The situation with USB 3.0 is different. The USB 3.0 signals go over a separate pair of copper pairs (4 additional wires altogether) with the completely duplicated PHY interface to maintain the galvanic contact and compatibility with old USB 1.1/2.0 signaling copper pair. This not only duplicates the copper wires but duplicates the silicon area. Only the 3.0 portions of the circuitry receive the benefits of the new technology. Here's the short quote from the Texas Instruments' TUSB1310A: "Fully Adaptive Equalizer to Optimize Receiver Sensitivity". But it is only engaged when device works in the USB 3.0 regimen, not when in backward compatibility USB 2.0 mode.
In my opinion this is nearly the same technological shift that happened when the parallel interfaces got replaced by the serial interfaces. It slowly became obvious that de-skew-ing the parallel buses is more complex than ser-des-ing the serial buses. Once the adaptive noise equalizers become ubiquitous intellectual property macros everyone will switch to the newer standards just to take advantage of the increased reliability and noise immunity.
The necessary devices already exist. I mentioned Cypress FX3:
but I want to reiterate that I'm not advocating implementing them
now. It may be worth considering for the future. a nearby thread sidehack mentioned that his ideal USB stick miner will have "8-bit AVR microcontroller with firmware coded in assembly, probably less than 200 lines". Well, here it is an USB 3.0 peripheral controller with 32-bit ARM and 0.5MB RAM for free, but probably needs C programming, not just assembler.
Again, I'm not advocating developing it now and I'm not shilling for Cypress or Texas Instruments. But it is the way of the future. The USB 1.1/2.0 after many years completely subsumed old DB-9/DB-25/Centronics cables. The modern, advanced high speed serial buses USB 3.x/Thunderbolt/Lightning will subsume the classic, rather primitive USB generations.