I wasn't too happy with the liquidate current FPGAs motion when I read it. Turns out that is the source of the stolen funds. May I ask what the reasoning was behind that move? The Cairnsmore1 devices don't even have a full working bitstream yet. Yes I know you can't rewind, but the whole maneuver there is a bit puzzling without some explanation of the reasoning involved.
Hey, to clarify the decision process there in point form (I believe most of this was clarified in either the discussion about, or the actual motion thread itself, but I may be wrong):
- I was working closely with Enterpoint from before their release
- I was working on a bitstream for their boards which should perform very well
- I was the FIRST person not from Enterpoint to have my hands on a cairnsmore board for development (board serial #0001, first one off the lines). I was well aware of the hardware state, and it's capabilities.
- I was also well aware of their capabilities to release a very high power bitstream
- The hardware was designed to be 100% compatible with an out of the box icarus bitstream, but with twice the FPGA chips it would be twice as powerful as an icarus with no bitstream needed
- Unfortunately what we didn't know when making the decision was a small error was made (swapping the tx/rx pins between first and second fpga for each icarus chain) which made it incompatible.
- I'm also the one who developed the current bitstream for the cairnsmore which is a port of the icarus bitstream (which is FAR more difficult than you would think).
- I'm also currently working on a "fixed" version of the icarus port, in addition to a new completely unique bitstream for the cairnsmore (in parallel to the same effort going on at Enterpoint).
- Regardless, we were having major stability issues with our Icarus boards. Mostly due to the flaky usb chip used by ngzhang (which he admitted he would be replacing in the next gen).
- The cairnsmore boards not only had a nicer "industry standard" FTDI chip, but it was a high end, and capable chip. In addition to their Controller FPGA, and some infrastructure they added, their boards were far superior for stability.
- The cairnsmore boards carry a warranty far superior to Icarus.
- Once the cairnsmore attains it's "potential". It will be at LEAST equal to 2x an icarus, but with the strong suspicion that it will be more like 3x an icarus board in the end
- With this all said, the cairnsmore board is overall far superior to the icarus boards. Even at full retail of $950 USD (compared to over $500 USD per icarus)
- We were only getting about 75% yield out of the icarus due to stability and other issues
- Add in the short term discount to $640 on the cairnsmore boards
- Also consider that for a very short window due to unavailability of icarus, and no news on lancelot, there was a spike in the value of an icarus board due to supply/demand
- Because of all the above factors, we were able to offload our icarus boards for what we paid for them, redirect that money into almost 50% discounted cairnsmore.
- With those things considered, if we had NOT had the money stolen, we would have at LEAST seen a match in hashing power during the development phase while working with a sub-par bitstream
- Once a "Real" bitstream was released, we would see at LEAST double the hashing performance we had before, if not triple the hashing power on the best case.
- I think with that information available, the limited risk at the time (I could not have forseen someone hacking the account and stealing the money). It was a no-brainer move.
- We see 1 month of downtime, to double/triple our returns.
That's the reasoning that went into it. So again, at the time, with the information available, it was an extremely smart move. (unfortunately with the money being stolen any potential benefit has been shot to hell)
Glasswalker continuing to work to make BTCSYN whole (by this I mean continuing to operate with the reduced resources) and also posting a copy of the police report in a timely fashion (blacking out anything sensitive) would help reduce the fallout from this.
As for this, I am currently working to make BTCSYN whole. As you say by continuing to operate with the reduced resources, and seeking other means to improve our position to at the very least something resembling where we started out before the liquidation. Best case, we recover the funds, and can get back on track with just the loss of time, but that's a fairly optimistic view at this time.
As for releasing a copy of the police report. I believe I clarified this in one of my posts on one of the threads here but:
- I went to the police station and filed a police report via their "standard" procedure.
- The proof I got from this is a reciept for the police report, bearing the officers name and badge number which took the report, and a case number for the case we now have open.
- I did NOT get a full paper copy of the report.
- I asked if I could get one, they told me they cannot provide that at this time, First it needs to go to an investigator, and later a full report will be produced. At that time I can request a copy for a fee.
- I have not been contacted by them yet to follow up. The officer who took the report told me that it would be going to either Fraud or CyberCrime (or a joint effort between them). And it may be "several weeks" before I hear anything more.
- Unfortunately since there are only 2 data points on the reciept, both of which are potentially sensitive, Blacking those out would kind of defeat the purpose.
- I don't want to release that reciept to the general public, because I don't know if that would negatively impact the investigation (ie hordes of people inundate the officer with questions, harassment, or any other issues, who knows how it could affect it).
- So until I'm contacted by the investigator, and I am told it is safe to release it (and what I can release) I can't do that.
- What I HAVE done, is release a full scan of this reciept to MagicalTux at MTGox, as well as to Nefario at GLBSE. They are both aware of the situation, and the full details, and they have both offered their support in trying to resolve it.
- If you wish to verify that the report is legit, I suggest you contact one of those 2 individuals (and hopefully they are willing to verify for you).
I hope all this info helps clarify the situation for you, and hopefully re-instates some form of trust in me during this difficult process.
Thanks for your understanding.