I don't have a staked address as I never expected to be in this position. I'll see if I can find one posted somewhere.
Suchmoon has at least one old address 1A8DePhATaFEyNBJpuybCA8oYUUZEgUraP (https://web.archive.org/web/20140403105622/https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=234771), if you still have access to it you can sign a message with it...although I don't consider this mandatory.
Nice job, thanks. I found it also posted in one of my threads:
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/discontinued-cryptoday-mining-revenue-stats-scrypt-scrypt-n-x11-x13-514242 (post has been edited but last edit was 3 years ago).
Message (one line):
This is suchmoon 2018-06-17. I control bitcointalk accounts "suchmoon" and (temporarily) "Gleb Gamow".
If your account gets compromised then it's free to scam people out of anything. You might not put value on your own account, but someone else would.
Well, I would obviously post a warning if I ever lose the account and would request it to be banned/removed from DT/red-tagged etc. But I hear what you're saying. Will fix that soon.
Quoting suchmoon post as it is and the message was successfully verified using http://brainwalletx.github.io/#verify?vrAddr=1A8DePhATaFEyNBJpuybCA8oYUUZEgUraP&vrMsg=This%20is%20suchmoon%202018-06-17.%20I%20control%20bitcointalk%20accounts%20"suchmoon"%20and%20(temporarily)%20"Gleb%20Gamow".&vrSig=HM71xTAaD8xyx7ciTaPTmKLBp7Y7Rzm9uQ5MIdhUJh6ZVUPtz2mAEsiyI%2F4BS5ZQVDnsSnHSWWBw4ur5UjzgxAU%3D