So you are essentially saying that producers should bear losses or withstand profits shrinking (since people would spend less and save more), and that would serve the economy better in the long run, right?
Am saying that going into debt to consume is extremely bad for the economy; nations that succeed like the USA before are nations of savers, producers, a stable country with a strong currency; you cannot consume with debt forever, it ends badly so the USA would fair better in long run if consumers were not going into debt to consume like it used to be; you use to save to buy something
You might have noticed that I didn't mean consumption financed by debt. Producers would have to take losses or see profits diminishing even if the decreasing consumption is directly financed by household earnings, right?
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฿.BitBull |
Producing come before consuming, no production no consumption; consuming is not hard, everyone can do it, being able to produce is what matters and being able to trade your time and skills for money is what able to you consume
The good from production also need to be priced competitively and have demand from the market.
Planing before anyone else and predicting what the market want is no easy task. The window for good profit is also small (ie: Apple and Samsung competition on smart phone)