Here's another chart I just found, total debt - public (gov) and private (businesses and consumers). Shows that we're still early in the deleveraging cycle. Without inflation, gold won't go up.
Rats flee a sinking ship, and people don't stand under a falling building. Smart capital has not remained under collapsing debt - it is finding shelter anywhere it can: precious metals, agriculture, fine art, real estate, gemstones, productive enterprises, etc.
Inflation is unnecessary at this point, even though it's unavoidable for the status quo to maintain its power base. Real assets, especially gold, will continue to gain for some time even if the monetary spigots were shut off today, because chaos and disruption are not conducive to security of wealth.
You wouldn't visit strange websites if you thought they'd steal your Bitcoin wallet, would you? If that were the case, 'safe' sites would garner much more traffic. Now ask yourself:
How do you get a crew to want to get off a submarine? Or: How do you get people to
want paper instead of the real thing?
The fact that there's two separate forms of gold, paper and physical, is exactly why I've come to dislike it. There's only one bitcoin, so its frictionless and that makes it much harder for TPTB to manipulate the price.
I agree to an extent and no longer trade traditional markets for that reason, but that doesn't change the fact that Bitcoin still has a long way to go in terms of both awareness and utilization before it's a universally-realistic alternative.
Can they manage that large of a loss, or will they just bankrupt?
If sufficient paper is supplied for acquisition, they'll manage it. Who wouldn't be able to with an unlimited bankroll? There's also a question of how much has been delivered already. Seeing as how the CEO was ousted and a prominent JPM exec was recently appointed to Barrick's board, there's probably much more going on behind the scenes than we're aware of.
If Barrick defaults, the end result is the same as open market purchases with inflated fiat - reduced supply being chased by a growing proportion of a stable supply of capital (no inflation/deflation) causes prices to increase. Default has the potential to be much worse than inflation, since the entire structure of the financial system would be viewed as unstable. As an aside, debt deflation
could balance this out in terms of fiat-denominated pricing, but it can't prevent the purchasing power ratio from shifting in favor of gold and other real assets.
I think the inflationary course is most likely right now, which would lock up production from multiple sources for quite a while. Without more than a trickle of availability to rising public and competing sovereign demand, bids will rise rapidly. Then requests for the real thing would increase pressure further (e.g. futures delivery requests), possibly consuming all available production that was supposed to be committed to SLW (China, India, Russia, et al).
The evidence and patterns over the past few years definitely point to the inflationary route.
Rock<-Barrick(JPM)->HardPlace = Gold & silver prices ^^^