Bitcoin will not really fill it's potential until sidechains are up-and-running. I just hope it lasts that long before it is destroyed from within. If so something else and probably something much better will take it's place though it would probably set certain things back by a few years. I hope(d) it would be Bitcoin since I still sit on a fair number of them and it would make my life easier.
I am not sure many people will agree with your assertions.
I'm quite certain that most people will not. I'm comfortable and very used to this scenario.
It might be worth remembering that bitcoin isn't a plaything entirely for superior beings like yourself. It is for everyone.
That is exactly why a nearly perfect proxy like sidechains with a two-way peg appeals to me so much. The best of both worlds and a classic symbiotic relationship which benefits both native Bitcoin and the multitude of tuned solutions which rely on it.
If I'm a 'superior being' and 'elite' so be it. It was dumb luck more than anything. (Thanks again to whoever attacked Wikileaks and opened my eyes to the solution, BTW.) I very much look forward to re-joining the 'lower classes' and expect to be a prolific user of various kinds of sidechains to use for various things and support various entities who choose to deploy one...thus stealing back the inherent value of an exchange currency which has been monopolized mostly by the Federal Reserve operating within (and parasitizing) the United States.