Since most thinking persons are starting to catch on to the fact that it does not make sense to broadcast every cup of java purchase to every decentralized infrastructure provider (to hold forever) ...
It took six years for Bitcoin intelegencia to realize that 7TPS might be problematic for a currency ...or a minor payment provider.
I realize that rocket surgery & MENSA meetings keep you guys real busy, but six years...
You've not really correctly parsed the content of this sub-thread, but...
For my part I realized the scaling issues as I was reading the whitepaper for the first time. I suspect that the same thing can be said for most of the core devs. This does NOT mean that the system has no value and/or no ability to make a guy a ton of money if that's what one is into. Making a ton of money (which I've done) is something I admit to be among my interests if not on the top of my priorities...it may or may not be...I lack the ability to judge this for certain. Anyway...
I will say that there has been a fair amount of fairly unseemly propaganda about various aspects of the system, and it has come from people who are among the most ethical in the ecosystem. Allowing the notion of limitless scalability to go un-corrected is one of these. It could be legitimately argued that:
1) it is to much work to constantly make this correction, and
2) it was a necessary evil in order to bootstrap into a role where Bitcoin has some real value.
For my part since I only have some excess USD sunk in and have put no real time and effort into the system, I've felt fairly free to be guided by my ethics and call out people for being idiots on some of the marketing nonsense over the years. Bitcoin is as much as anything an interesting experiment (in my mind.)