Please let me try again to spread my ignorance about sidechains.
Perhaps the sidechains project could be renamed "ways in which the bitcoin network (BCN) can interact with other internet services, and how the bitcoin protocol (BCP) would have to be modified to allow them". These "other services" being the "sidechains".
Different people have different ideas of what sort of services would qualify for "sidechains", but let's not focus on that, focus instead on the interactions. In order to exclude those variable assumptions, I will use the term "bitcoin-dependent service" (BDS) instead of "sidechain".
I gather that there are at least three kinds of interactions that are being discussed:
1. Bitcoins may be somehow be "moved" from the BTC blockchain to the BDS, who would handle them in some way, and eventually "return" them to the BTC blockchain.
2. The BDS may exploit the power of the BCN to secure its data structures against tampering or rewind
3. The BDS could use the full power of the BCN to implement its own PoW mechanisms by merged mining
Does this make any sense?
As you put
1. Mnt Gox, can run off with one's Bitcoin or a Bank or service could function on fractional reserves untill there is a confidence call and a proverbial run on the bank.
2. Is not necessarily parasitic, if it claims to be a better money sure it's 100% parasitic, there are other ways to achieve the same security one eg. Open Transaction with federated oracles. But any innovative multisig decentralized authoring system could achieve this with no change to the BCP.
3. MM is a good idea, while it limits innovation to just PoW, it can tap into the sea of hashing that goes to waste.
The way BlockStream has proposed to manage what you call BDS is to have in principal the multisig authorizing of Bitcoin transactions in and out of different secured ledgers, this will alow miners to MM BDS's in exchange for a token that is guaranteed to be redeemable in BTC by the BCP.
The perversion is miners could MM a BDS earn additional Bitcoin, without being forced to mine on the BCP or use there hashing power to protect the BCN.
MM = GOOD, but MM for BTC* is an attack at the very incentives that protect the BCN.
*MM alts are subject to market force, so while you can exchange them for BTC, the BCN is unaffected by them, if they gain value it will be a utilitarian value unsupported by the BCN, and thus just grow the ecosystem, otherwise it will shrivel and die as a scam.
MM a BDS that gives a token that is redeemable for BTC regardless of market rates allows miners to earn BTC equivalent tokens without contributing there hashing power (securing the Bitcoin blockchain) on the BCN, or any work to the greater economy. I.e. it has similar characteristics to our financial system today. What changes is just trust the central bank now becomes just trust the protocol. Making a change to the BCP to alow this is evil at the core.
Your conclusion is correct but I'm not sure how deep your understanding is, miners can manipulate (by mining empty blocks in the BDS or the BCN, controlling the flow of BTC and herding markets and controlling money flow, even restricting money supply on demand.