This is gonna be fun... When you buy one of his books on his site, you can get a "custom inscription" which it sounds like Jim personally hand-writes on the book. So I'll be buying one with a personal inscription regarding bitcoin that'll be utterly painful for Jim to write.
I'm taking suggestions. It can be up to 150 words.
lol, I'll get one with "Bitcoin to the moon!" if they ship to Europe affordably.
I'm going to make him write something about how bitcoin is the future of money since it solves gold's tangibility bug. It'll be a fun 150 words.
So I bought Rickards' book with bitcoin. I specified the following as the "personal inscription":
"This book was purchased online with bitcoin - the future of money. Modern money needs the properties of gold, but with native electronic portability. May the death of fiat money give rise to an ideal money system for modern times: Bitcoin."
Got the book today. Here's the actual inscription:
"This book was purchased with Bitcoin - a new kind of money. "Money" can be anything that gains confidence as a store of value, possibly including Bitcoin. May the best form of money win!"
so how do you feel about that?