The war is more between the different central banks, and less between the governments.
That people confuse these sadly shows how much Bitcoin is a product of its time.
A country is not its currency.
LoL, please stop, same textbooks, same education, same cocktail, same goals, same ideologies: Inflation is good, because it motivates to work more, otherwise you would be lazy and would think to enjoy life. Exactly what a german dude planed. we never left war economies.
"In order to mitigate the potential impact of Bitcoin, the meaning of Article IV, Section 5 could be expanded to include digital currencies. Rather than limiting its scope to currencies used by colonies or overseas territories, the IMF could use Article IV Section 5 to label Bitcoin—or other digital currencies like it—a “separate currency.”159 As such, the IMF could require member nations to pay part of their subscription quota with Bitcoins.160 This would require member nations to purchase Bitcoins independently. They would then contribute that amount to the IMF’s general fund as part of their quota, receiving an amount of their own currency or special drawing rights equal to the value of the Bitcoins paid in exchange.161 In short, expanding the meaning of Article IV, Section 5 would grant the IMF a means of indirectly accumulating Bitcoins through its members."- from the paper quoted above
Again is it a joke? You have still faith in those institution like they like to be called? I think it's idiotic. They want SDR, because they can print them... and enjoy life with the inflation (money printing) they do for themselves, meanwhile you have to work for a diminishing return, so they can keep their perks.
Abolishing the CBs has never been easy. Few people alive today remember a time when free of such.
As a nation the US struggled against the establishment of government banks repeatedly. For the last 100 years that struggle has failed.
Exactly as it's an intergrant part of the USMC, and as the USMC is still at war... I don't see a way forward but a big confrontation. Or the USMC wins (which isn't in it's interest, otherwise no more USMC) or the USMC do it's job perfectly, manage the grow of the enemy (is there really an enemy?, or it's just a propaganda war to get a population distraction - management?). Freing humanity from such people is worth it. What ever the cost. it's that or slavery at their mercy.
If you've ever thought Bitcoin was in a bubble, you should look at the population explosion, we're at a point were there are more people alive than have ever died in the history of humanity. We're going to have pain but the only path forward is with technology some technology's are so important we don't give them up, like the wheal and the plow, I think we'll add the internet to that list too.
yes of course I have to pay for those that can't control their legs and open them all the time without thinking on how they are gonna raise their children. better to beg. fsa.