Also makes me think of one of cypher's earlier tweets:
"its also the way out for the Millennials to escape the debt hole we Boomers r forcing upon them."
I think this is key. I'm actively advocating such an escape in my social circles (being one). Not many of us (understatement) are thinking/reading up about these issues, let alone take precautions. A 5-10% bet of your networth would set you and others right if the time would ever come. If 'that time' doesn't come, there's still a great chance that your holdings have increased in value. Potential downside is limited to the amount you're willing to put in, upside is unkonwn. Asymmetrical as f***. Just makes so much sense to me.
People in the earliest stages of their lives should not be thinking in terms of "5%-10% of net worth," because they probably don't have any yet.
Millennials should be going into full exit mode: move what savings they out of fiat and into Bitcoin, and start building work experience/ businesses in the Bitcoin economy.
It's not like anything of the present system is going to be left by the time they get to retirement age, so they'd do well to escape from it as rapidly as possible.
Kinda sucks for the Boomers who aren't going to find another generation to hold the bag for them, but being old means they had all their lives to prepare for the end of an unsustainable system.
You might be right, but what if you're not? If you put in a moderate amount and shit hits the fan, you'll be well of. If it doesn't you're also well off since you risked a moderate amount. You can 'go all in' now and be VERY well off, but it'll be shit when either bitcoin fails, the system gets an sublime intervention or for w/e reason the projected scenario doesn't play out. Wiping out you're entire savings now will have a large impact later in life (power of compounding). So since i'm advising people, I advise a reasonably safe move. If people can/want to risk more, they should imo (which is what I tell them then). I'm talking here about people with more than 5-10k savings, if you've less than that, I agree with you that the % should be higher.
To clarify, I'm using myself as a base scenario. i'm mid/end 20's and have build up some savings (mid 5 fig's) over the last years with a well paid job, poker and bitcoin (i've been a buyer since feb '13). I have no debt (no mortgage, not buying in this market). I own gold/silver (phys) some stocks (which i've been liquidating the last months) some currency (home/foreign) and a lot of crypto. I'd say the ratio's are 15%, 10%, 25% 50%. This is a portfolio i'm very comfortable with at the moment. To be fair, I do have a healthy (above average) appetite for risk. For people in a similair situation (steady influx of money/time horizon/savings/etc) I feel comfortable advising 5-10% for the reasons stated above. More if they are more like me riskwise.
I think moving all in wouldn't be the optimal play for me.