Would any sensible person put their BTC in such a capped sidechain?
Why not? There is no risk (beyond the normal risk of side chain security) to doing so before the cap is reached. After the cap is reached you have the possibility of upside with downside protection. I can very much see how that might be attractive to some people.
In fact, if the cap has not been reached and you have a choice between a capped and uncapped sidechain with equivalent features, why would you not choose the capped one? You have greater upside with equivalent downside.
I don't see it. I'm also not sure how the developer could "secretly" grab 90% of the cap before pumping the sidechain.
Why not? Create the side chain, don't publicize it that much. Quietly lock 90% of the cap. Then add a few features and begin to publicize. Greed ("the cap has almost been reached, this baby is ready to fly") and no risk to the developer anyway does the rest.
If 90% of the cap is held then I don't see any feasible way that you could create such a pump that would incite a BTC exodus. The numbers don't work.
I wasn't suggesting a BTC exodus, that was another scenario entirely, although it does potentially allow for a "value exodus" (BTC goes down while scBTC goes up). This is a method to create more speculative assets that could add to volatility to the overall economy. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing is a matter of opinion.