
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 32. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
I normally like fox for their anti-liberal news, but I really disagree with this. They think its the "end of rand" because he is against the NSA and most of the moderate GOP is for the NSA. The media is trying to blow it out of proportion citing other media articles which are actually not conservative (like the daily dot) that fox calls the "conservative media", and then quotes from them saying its the end of rand, and hes dead to politics now.
Well looks like hes doing much better in polls now, so clearly thats not the case Fox
They're trying to create a meme that he's screwed now and hopefully get the majority or more of their viewers to buy into it. There's lots of good comments under that article that shows this may be backfiring. The problem w/ upside down attempts to make someone look bad is that they become over the top and thus ruins their own credibility in the process. However, this type of reporting does work on the aging retirees in the 70s and 80s who always vote and have always been used to getting their info from tv.
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Activity: 420
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You also may have noticed that my profile picture just changed, I now have Rand Paul as my number 1 favorable candidate for 2016. The thing that set me off was this whole PATRIOT act thing. Ted Cruz voted for it, so that puts Rand Paul in the lead in my opinion for 2016 for me.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Ever wanted to run your own casino? PM me for info
I normally like fox for their anti-liberal news, but I really disagree with this. They think its the "end of rand" because he is against the NSA and most of the moderate GOP is for the NSA. The media is trying to blow it out of proportion citing other media articles which are actually not conservative (like the daily dot) that fox calls the "conservative media", and then quotes from them saying its the end of rand, and hes dead to politics now.
Well looks like hes doing much better in polls now, so clearly thats not the case Fox
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Howard Kurtz kind of defends Rand too

Good talk about Rand in a great way. Good show atm.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Nevada Stays With Caucus System in Blow to Jeb Bush

Nevada is keeping its caucuses for selecting presidential nominees, a blow to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and other contenders who hoped to shift the early-voting state to a system of primaries.

Caucuses are considered favorable to candidates who have a network of highly motivated activists, such as Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval, who has met with Bush, backed legislation to change to a primary, but the bill never came up for a vote before the Legislature adjourned Monday night. It was the subject of frantic horse-trading and lobbying in the state capitol in Carson City until the final minutes of the session.

The state's Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison, chairman of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's 2016 presidential campaign in Nevada, had pushed for the bill.

This is great news, Rand Paul has a decent chance of winning Nevada. We need many more caucuses, not less.  Smiley
So true, caucuses are the way around the establishment's buying of votes in primaries by shelling out their money to spread disinfo and phony election info to the those that watch tv and get caught up in mailers. Caucusing forces people to show up and hang out to draft their vote rather than the primary where they just cast a vote and move on. You want very little low info voters participating and this caucusing should happen in every state.
Activity: 2114
Merit: 1040
A Great Time to Start Something!
Nevada Stays With Caucus System in Blow to Jeb Bush

Nevada is keeping its caucuses for selecting presidential nominees, a blow to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and other contenders who hoped to shift the early-voting state to a system of primaries.

Caucuses are considered favorable to candidates who have a network of highly motivated activists, such as Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval, who has met with Bush, backed legislation to change to a primary, but the bill never came up for a vote before the Legislature adjourned Monday night. It was the subject of frantic horse-trading and lobbying in the state capitol in Carson City until the final minutes of the session.

The state's Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison, chairman of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's 2016 presidential campaign in Nevada, had pushed for the bill.

This is great news, Rand Paul has a decent chance of winning Nevada. We need many more caucuses, not less.  Smiley
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ron Paul speaks his mind on Trans Pacific Partnership, foreign policy, and his son’s chances for winning the Republican nomination. Interviewed by Larry King on RT.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
BBC: Could Rand Paul inspire the UK government?

Senator Rand Paul has caught the world's attention and infuriated his own party by taking on one of the most powerful forces imaginable - the US security apparatus.

Behind the drama there are deep currents, a tale of sex, drugs, violence and conservatism.

Senator Paul has, almost single-handedly, blocked the extension of the Patriot Act, seen by its opponents as the USA's very own snooper's charter.

It takes some guts to stand in the way of the US spy agencies, if only for a short while.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

GOP presidential candidate Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) swept the competition in recent polls, which also indicates he is the best Republican candidate to go head to head against likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton.

In fact, independent voters — often the votes that swing an election one way or the other — overwhelmingly prefer Paul over Clinton, according to a previous Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll. “Unlike the other Republicans, Mr. Paul significantly outpolled Mrs. Clinton among independent voters, by 45%-37%, reported The Wall Street Journal.

Not only are polls indicating independents overwhelmingly support Paul, but so do several national surveys comparing him to fellow GOP candidates in key states.

An ABC/Washington Post Poll has Paul tied for first place in the Republican primary with Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, who is not yet an official candidate but is expected to announce later this summer.

Paul is tied for second with fellow GOP candidate Dr. Ben Carson for the Iowa caucus in a Bloomberg/Des Moines Register Poll.

Paul is faring well in New Hampshire, where the top Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton has spent much of her time campaigning.

Bloomberg Politics/Saint Anselm New Hampshire Poll has Paul in first place for the New Hampshire primary.

“A recent PPP Poll showed Sen. Paul is in first place in the New Hampshire Republican Primary and performs best against Hillary compared to all other candidates,” touted Paul’s campaign in an email to supporters.

Not only is Paul in first place in New Hampshire, but he is also in first in the state of Washington.

Independent voters also have Paul leading Clinton in Arizona, Colorado, Iowa and Pennsylvania.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Senate passes NSA reform measure - No Amendments under Amash Threat

The Senate approved on Tuesday a bill to reform National Security Agency domestic surveillance programs, ending a drawn-out showdown on Capitol Hill that saw counterterrorism provisions expire.

The vote was 67 to 32.

The bill, which passed the House nearly three weeks ago, now heads to President Barack Obama, who has pledged to sign the bill.

Senate passage on Tuesday came only after members defeated a series of amendments pushed by Senate Republican leaders they said would toughen the House version.

That move drew heavy fire from supporters of the current bill and from GOP House leadership, who warned the proposed changes wouldn't pass muster in the House.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell conceded Thursday before the vote that those efforts were "an uphill battle."

Any changes in the Senate would require the bill go back to the House for another vote, while passage of an identical bill could go straight to President Barack Obama, who has urged the Senate to pass the USA Freedom Act.

Paul had also planned to offer up his own set of amendments that would push Freedom Act reforms to the NSA even further. Paul ultimately will not get a vote on his amendments, though, but said he will not press his case.

"I think we're about done," he said when asked if he would hold up final passage.

But any changes out of the Senate would galvanize Paul's allies in the House who have said amendments would prompt them to offer up changes of their own.

"If even one comma changes, we have a lot of people on our side of the Capitol who would like to offer our own amendments," Amash said.

Amash insisted that members across the House Republican conference believe "any changes will be a deal breaker."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Nevada Stays With Caucus System in Blow to Jeb Bush

Nevada is keeping its caucuses for selecting presidential nominees, a blow to former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and other contenders who hoped to shift the early-voting state to a system of primaries.

Caucuses are considered favorable to candidates who have a network of highly motivated activists, such as Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul.

Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval, who has met with Bush, backed legislation to change to a primary, but the bill never came up for a vote before the Legislature adjourned Monday night. It was the subject of frantic horse-trading and lobbying in the state capitol in Carson City until the final minutes of the session.

The state's Republican Lt. Gov. Mark Hutchison, chairman of Florida Sen. Marco Rubio's 2016 presidential campaign in Nevada, had pushed for the bill.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Senate approves USA Freedom Act 67-32. Rand's amendments failed.

The Senate has approved the USA Freedom Act, which will alter the way U.S. agencies conduct surveillance and gather data. A final vote on the bill came late Tuesday afternoon, after amendments to the bill failed.

President Obama can now sign the bill into law as soon as it reaches him, after an expedited enrollment process.

Update at 4:30 p.m. ET: The Bill Has Passed

In the final tally of the vote, 67 senators were in favor of the measure and 32 against. The legislation needed a simple majority to pass.

Last November, the Freedom Act failed in the Senate after not receiving enough support to avoid a filibuster. Its critics say the act doesn't go far enough to curtail surveillance programs that can access huge databases of information about Americans.

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., voted against the measure today, as he did last fall. Also voting against the bill Tuesday was independent Sen. Bernie Sanders, who is seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.

The lead sponsor of the bill in the House, Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., promises it will "rein in the dragnet collection of data" by the NSA and others, and "increase transparency of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court."

Calling today's passage "a milestone," ACLU Deputy Legal Director Jameel Jaffer says, "This is the most important surveillance reform bill since 1978, and its passage is an indication that Americans are no longer willing to give the intelligence agencies a blank check."
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s Stands Begin Attracting Ron Paul’s Supporters

[A]s he wages his lonely fight against the National Security Agency’s surveillance dragnet, temporarily forcing a lapse in the law that gives the government wide discretion in collecting Americans’ phone-call data, Mr. Paul is publicly embracing the libertarian-hued philosophy that is synonymous with his family name.

The libertarian leanings in Mr. Paul’s beliefs on foreign affairs and national defense have been his biggest liability as he pursues the nomination of a party that has often been outwardly hostile to those who question whether the military and the intelligence community are acting aboveboard.

But his positions on these issues — including support for a smaller, more restrained American military presence overseas and for subjecting intelligence agencies to more careful oversight — have also been one of his biggest sources of energy and financial support from the people who formed the backbone of Ron Paul’s grass-roots coalition.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
New WaPo poll: Rand 1st nationally tied with Scott Walker

Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin and Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky top the list at 11 percent each among Republicans and Republican-leaning independent registered voters. Former Florida governor Jeb Bush and Sen. Marco Rubio of Florida are at 10 percent each. All others among the 16 candidates tested are in single digits.


They also mention how far Hillary's favorables have eroded over the last 6 months. Like 52% of Americans don't think she can be trusted.
Activity: 1610
Merit: 1008
Thank you for the name change. Thank you SO much for your work Chef Ramsay on aggregating all of the Rand Paul news and putitng it all on one thread. I appreciate it and I am sure many other users on here do as well.

I agree with you, thank you for your work, I sometimes look down here.
sr. member
Activity: 420
Merit: 250
Ever wanted to run your own casino? PM me for info
Thank you for the name change. Thank you SO much for your work Chef Ramsay on aggregating all of the Rand Paul news and putitng it all on one thread. I appreciate it and I am sure many other users on here do as well.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Thank Rand (#StandWithRand) w/ donation thread observation

Rand has been doing a pretty good job at standing up against the Patriot Act and unconstitutional government spying. This is what we want in a Senator.

Many people have posted that they have donated to Rand in the past couple of weeks due to Rand's strong stand. We need a thread to track donations.

If you have donated in the past two weeks, let us know in this thread.

If you want to show support for what Rand is doing, feel free to register your support with any size donation and post it in this thread.

Rand Paul's Statement on NSA Spying

I have fought for several years now to end the illegal spying of the NSA on ordinary Americans. The callous use of general warrants and the disregard for the Bill of Rights must end. Forcing us to choose between our rights and our safety is a false choice and we are better than that as a nation and as a people.

That's why two years ago, I sued the NSA. It's why I proposed the Fourth Amendment Protection Act. It's why I have been seeking for months to have a full, open and honest debate on this issue-- a debate that never came.

So last week, seeing proponents of this illegal spying rushing toward a deadline to wholesale renew this unconstitutional power, I filibustered the bill. I spoke for over 10 hours to call attention to the vast expansion of the spy state and the corresponding erosion of our liberties.

Then, last week, I further blocked the extension of these powers and the Senate adjourned for recess rather than stay and debate them.

Tomorrow, we will come back with just hours left before the NSA illegal spying powers expire.

Let me be clear: I acknowledge the need for a robust intelligence agency and for a vigilant national security.

I believe we must fight terrorism, and I believe we must stand strong against our enemies.

But we do not need to give up who we are to defeat them. In fact, we must not.

There has to be another way. We must find it together.

So tomorrow, I will force the expiration of the NSA illegal spy program.

I am ready and willing to start the debate on how we fight terrorism without giving up our liberty.

Sometimes when the problem is big enough, you just have to start over. The tax code and our regulatory burdens are two good examples.

Fighting against unconditional, illegal powers that take away our rights, taken by previous Congresses and administrations is just as important.

I do not do this to obstruct. I do it to build something better, more effective, more lasting, and more cognizant of who we are as Americans.

Donate to Rand and your civil liberties here...
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
EFF statement on Section 215 expiry: zero mention of Rand.

Section 215 Expires—For Now
Senate to Vote on USA FREEDOM Act Later in the Week

Section 215 has expired. At least for now.

The law that the NSA used to authorize its collection of vast amounts of information about the telephone calls of ordinary Americans is no more. Even though it’s likely temporary, it’s a good thing and we should pause to celebrate a little. The calls and emails Congress received from people across the country and across the political spectrum changed the debate.

The Senate let three provisions of the Patriot Act expire: Section 215, the section the government uses to collect phone and other business records in bulk, the "Lone Wolf provision," and the "roving wiretap" provision. Section 215 now—at least temporarily—reverts to its pre-Patriot Act form, which doesn’t permit any collection of financial or communications records, and requires the Government to provide “specific and articulable facts” supporting a reason to believe that the target is an agent of a foreign power.

This is a good thing. And of course, the government still has plenty of tools to investigate national security cases.

All indications are that this lapse will be temporary and that the Senate will soon pass the USA FREEDOM Act, which has small but important improvements over the now-lapsed section 215 and important additional transparency to the secret FISA court. USA Freedom passed the House with overwhelming support. EFF is neutral on USA Freedom—we think that Congress can do much better and should, but we’re still now in a much better place than we’ve been since the 1970s with regard to Congressional action reining in the NSA.

Senate rules allow a final vote, which only needs a simple majority of 51, to occur later this week. It’s not clear whether any amendments will be offered and we’ll keep watching on EFFLive and keep you posted as this saga continues.

But tonight, this is a historic baby step. We should all pause and for us at EFF who’ve been fighting mass surveillance since 2006, take a moment to smile.

Interesting that Rand isn't mentioned and this speaks loud about EFF and their position here on this issue.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Just a suggestion, Chef Ramsay, you should maybe open up a new "Rand Paul" thread. This one has kind of been hijacked, and instead of discussing poll results like the intention, we are just talking about Rand Paul. If you decide to make the thread please link me so I can follow that one.
Bro, I started this thread w/ one thing in mind to share w/ folks (about Rand's polling numbers that quickly turned into something else as I found that this thread was fruitful for those checking out Rand as the leader of liberty in the USA) around here but I blended it to much more. However, thx to your urging, I just changed the heading to make this thing more encompassing like you and others have hoped/suggested. Thanks for your comments and over a year later, we've moved forward a little bit.  Smiley
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on NewsmaxTV (big right wing site) 6/1/15
Rand tells it like it is on his fight against the NSA spying ordeal and he summons one of the Founding Fathers.
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