
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 27. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Another poll to vote for Rand in for fun.

Scroll down a little ways, its on the right hand side of the page.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Quinnipiac: Paul +1 vs Clinton in PA, Tied OH

Looks like Florida has gone blue, with the only people remotely contesting it being state darlings Rubio -3 and Bush -4. Paul down by 7. Ohio and Pennsylvania are solidly purple, at least for Paul. Performs best in these two states against Clinton among GOP field, though they aren't too far behind, with a 45-44 showing in PA(Rubio 44-43) and tie in Ohio(43-43) with Kasich having the obvious win there (47-40).

In general, Rubio is doing second best. Jeb still has a way to go.

If I were to analyze this data general election data, I would say the top tier is Rubio, Paul and Bush.
Of course summaries of the data simply say that Rubio is now a frontrunner. Roll Eyes
full member
Activity: 120
Merit: 100
Rand Paul is not like other potential presidential candidates.

The Kentucky senator, who announced his candidacy for the White House on Tuesday morning, doesn't fit neatly into the molds of either party.

Socially liberal on issues of crime and punishment — especially when it comes to drug sentencing — against a federal ban on same-sex marriage, and no foreign policy hawk, he's not your prototypical Republican.

As a fiscal conservative and an opponent of abortion rights, though, he's certainly no Democrat either.
sr. member
Activity: 434
Merit: 250
Loose lips sink sigs!

Here's an article about Donald Trump being a douche, errr the Donald.

This guy is such a character, if he weren't so fake and obvious he'd actually be funny.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sen. Rand Paul: Privacy Is A Real Concern For Most Americans

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) — Senator Rand Paul told Talk Radio 1210 WPHT midday host Dom Giordano that most of America agrees with him when it comes to privacy concerns.

“Inside the Beltway, I’m very unpopular. I’m maybe the least popular person in Washington right now, but once I leave the Beltway and I get out and I visit voters in New Hampshire, or Kentucky or Iowa or wherever I go, South Carolina, we have hundreds of people who show up to every event and to a person, they think the government has gone too far. They don’t trust the President with their information and frankly, they don’t trust any president. If you interview people under 40, 83% of them in a recent survey said that the government has gone too far in collecting our records.”

He feels that at least half of the other Republican candidates for president disagree with the 83% of people in that survey, and they are in turn “out of touch.”

“They’re welcome to have that opinion. They’re welcome to viciously attack me, but in the end, I think the position that I’ve taken is the correct one with regards to the 4th Amendment, but I think it’s also the one that ultimately, the American people will rally around.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Stephen Moore: Rand Paul to Reveal Ambitious Flat Tax Plan

Sen. Rand Paul will debut his plan for a flat federal income tax Thursday as he outlines a key platform of his 2016 bid for the Republican presidential nomination, Stephen Moore, chief economist for The Heritage Foundation, has revealed to Newsmax TV.

"This thing is going to be really exciting. It's got really low rates, it clears out all the pollution in the tax system," Moore said Monday on "The Steve Malzberg Show."

"Rand calls this the biggest reform to the income tax system since 1916. So you know when you talk about who is bold, that's going to be the standard by which all other plans are."
Moore said the Kentucky Republican's plan is "really simple" and "really fair" because every American will pay the same federal tax rate.

"If you make 10 times more than I do you pay 10 times more tax. It gets rid of a lot of the special interest provisions and loopholes in the code," Moore said.

"So that's all pretty cool stuff. I'll be interested to see, by the way, what Jeb Bush has to say … Jeb hasn't really put out firm policy positions yet and that's going to be critical to him, to his success."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Mitch McConnell, Rand Paul: Clean water rule just more outrageous government overreach

By now it should be clear to all that the Obama administration's regulators at the EPA are no friends to Kentucky. They've already been waging a war on coal for years here, and now comes the latest salvo in the Environmental Protection Agency's assault: a rule known as Waters of the U.S. (WOTUS) that would classify nearly all wetlands, including small ponds and ditches, as "navigable" waters and thus subject to interference from Washington.

If this rule is allowed to take effect, it would wreak havoc on the coal, agriculture, commercial development, real estate, construction and contracting industries statewide. It would hurt traditional farming practices. And it would trample upon many Kentuckians' private property rights.

Although the EPA claims the mandate of the Clean Water Act in promulgating this rule, it is really about controlling and putting limits on private land use. The rule would extend to any small pond or ditch that holds water, infiltrates groundwater or is used by animals, birds, or insects. In short, it is a colossal act of government overreach.

The rule will force landowners, homebuilders, farmers, mine operators, manufacturers, utility providers, state and local governments and a host of other property owners to seek permits from Washington bureaucrats before they can begin a wide range of development projects or activities, even activities as simple as building fences or spraying and pulling weeds.

Read more here:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand on Hannity last night (over 2 million USA viewers) and lays into Jeb Bush's Prez run like the putz he is.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul criticizes federal government’s power during Lexington speech

Kentucky Senator Rand Paul focused on what he said is a too-powerful federal government during a campaign stop in Lexington on Monday.

The Republican spoke to more than 200 people gathered inside a Veterans of Foreign Wars post just south of town. It was Paul’s only stop in South Carolina this week, although his wife Kelley visited the Berkeley County GOP in Moncks Corner later in the day and will be in the Charleston region on Tuesday.

Paul continued hammering on his usual points Monday, criticizing the NSA’s collection of phone records. At one point he even compared it to unpopular tactics that British customs agents used in Colonial-era America. “(The NSA’s) argument is: Well we’re not looking at them, we’re just collecting them,” Paul said during his 27-minute speech. “That would sort of be like the British soldiers saying, ‘We’re coming into your house and taking your papers, we’re just not going to look at them.’ I think the same objection to our privacy is that act of collecting and taking our records.”



Full speech:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Strategic Ambiguity

Rand Paul is campaigning for president as a different kind of Republican. Since entering the U.S. Senate in 2011, he has staked out unorthodox positions on foreign policy and civil liberties, rejecting what he and many of his fans see as recklessly interventionist militarism. The GOP brand, he wrote in his 2011 book The Tea Party Goes to Washington, has become "tainted by neoconservative ideology."

But in the run-up to the Kentucky senator's April 7 announcement that he was officially running for president, Paul engaged in a series of rhetorical and parliamentary maneuvers that left many anti-interventionists openly worried about a politically inspired foreign policy drift.


Once he was in direct competition with other Republicans on the campaign trail, however, candidate Paul again showed signs of anti-interventionist foreign policy gumption. At a New Hampshire GOP meeting later in April, the senator thundered about how "the other Republicans will criticize the president and Hillary Clinton for their foreign policy, but they would just have done the same thing-just 10 times over...There's a group of folks in our party who would have troops in six countries right now, maybe more."

In a late April fundraising letter, Paul tried to rally his own core supporters by complaining that "many in our party—including many announced and rumored Presidential candidates—would double down on the failures of the Obama-Clinton foreign policy of reckless engagement. Will you stand with me as I fight back against the irresponsible policy of wild foreign intervention?"

Many of Paul's once and future supporters would like to stand with Rand. But it still seems to be an open question exactly what kind of foreign policy, and what specific interventions, a President Paul might pursue. And that may well be exactly the way he and his campaign want it.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul on Hannity tonight to talk Jeb


Carly Fiorina sounds off about Hillary Clinton's campaign relaunch. Plus Rand Paul reacts to Jeb Bush's White House bid. And a Detroit woman recoutns how she fought off home invaders with her gun

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's personality predicament\

Sen. Rand Paul articulated a real stunner in what appeared to be prepared remarks in the Senate. He said "Some of them [people in Washington], I think, secretly want there to be an attack on the United States so they can blame it on me.

Not doing himself any favors with statements like this. I can't possibly see how he thought that would be a good thing to say out loud.

That won me over because he is right. Elements within the US Government still need to be held accountable for Oklahoma, 9/11, Benghazi, Selling weapons to drug cartels, sicking IRS on Tea Party advocates, etc etc. He is the only one I see not tainted by evil.
I'm glad you are buying his selling point. Just thought I'd re-up a thread pertaining to what's up here - - moneybomb of Bitcoin for Rand on Independence day/July 4th. You are so right about your elements in the US gov comments, I wish we could start a new thread about each and every one of those points. TY for your contribution to the thread and I've always been impressed w/ your input.

I'd say that you should be a US citizen if you plan on helping out on that moneybomb so-called day.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
PHOTOS: Rand Paul in Orange County & San Diego

Photographer:  Over the weekend I had the pleasure of photographing Rand Paul during his trip to California, I attended both the OC Flag Day Dinner and the SD Lincoln Reagan Dinner, as well as some other private events. More than 800 people were at each of Rand's big appearances, and it was great to see such an impressive showing. His appearance at San Diego GOP's Lincoln Reagan dinner was the biggest attendance record they ever had.

You can find more than 50 photos from the Orange County dinner here:

You can find more than 40 photos from the San Diego dinner here:
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: Obamatrade Tax Hikes Mean Republicans Should Oppose Revival Efforts

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is calling on Republicans in the House—and the grassroots nationwide—to oppose efforts by House Ways and Means Committee chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) to revive Obamatrade via a tax increase hidden inside the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) portion of the deal.

Paul said when asked to react to an article from Breitbart News from late Sunday evening exposing the tax increase in the deal:

You know typically to pass these kinds of things, the establishment will try to buy off Democrats by sprinkling money so they have some money in there. To get the money, under our budget rules, we have to pay for it—so they want to pay for it with a fine on small businesses. But I thought a point that was made in the article which was pretty good is this is similar to the fines they wanted to do in Obamacare with 1099s and there was such an outcry it’s the only part of Obamacare we ever repealed. So I think when people discover they’re sticking a tax increase in there I think people will be even more unhappy.

Paul said he expects the issue of Obamatrade to be a big deal on the 2016 campaign trail. It’s already separated the field as Paul, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, Donald Trump, Carly Fiorina, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, former Texas Gov. Rick Perry and more oppose it. Sens. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) –and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush—among others support it.

“Everywhere I go, people come up to me and say ‘thank you for not giving the president more power’ ‘thank you for voting against TPA,’” Paul said. “So I think it does resonate with people, and we’ll see how these things shake out, but it fits my message, because I’ve been saying we gave the president too much power, and he’s tried to grab too much power on immigration, healthcare, war power and now really with trade. Part of the checks and balances is having equal amounts of power with each branch of government can jealously guard their power and I think it’s a mistake to give too much power to the president. That’s why their decision to make the treaty classified makes me suspicious—when people are not allowed to read it.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) argues in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News that he is the best positioned 2016 GOP presidential candidate to beat former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic nominee, in a general election face-off.

In states such as Colorado, Iowa, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Arizona and more, Paul has been shown to be leading Clinton in polls.

“I think in order to win these states that President Obama you got to attract independents and consistently in at least five states we’re leading her—in states that were won by President Obama, we win the independent vote,” Paul said. “I think that’s an important feature because people want so badly to have somebody who can beat Hillary Clinton. I think it’s one of our strongest calling cards right now: We’re the only one beating her in all five of these states.”

Paul, who’s polling best against Clinton among the entire Republican field, said he isn’t sure if Bill Clinton—the former president and Hillary’s husband—meant him when he said in an interview with CNN this weekend that he thinks Republicans will “wind up voting [in the primary] for the person they think has the best chance to win” the general.

“You know, I don’t know—far be it from me to know what goes on inside Bill Clinton’s head,” Paul said when asked if he thought Bill Clinton was talking about him.

Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
Rand Paul's personality predicament\

Sen. Rand Paul articulated a real stunner in what appeared to be prepared remarks in the Senate. He said "Some of them [people in Washington], I think, secretly want there to be an attack on the United States so they can blame it on me.

Not doing himself any favors with statements like this. I can't possibly see how he thought that would be a good thing to say out loud.

That won me over because he is right. Elements within the US Government still need to be held accountable for Oklahoma, 9/11, Benghazi, Selling weapons to drug cartels, sicking IRS on Tea Party advocates, etc etc. He is the only one I see not tainted by evil.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's long game

Although Beltway observers have decided that Sen. Rand Paul's presidential campaign is on a losing trajectory, from an historical standpoint, he's doing precisely what many of the most successful aspirants did who won the presidency.

What's that?

Rather than bow to his party's powerful insiders, most of whom became influential during George W. Bush's decade leading the Republicans (as presidential candidate, nominee and incumbent), Paul's working to unseat them. He's working to change his party's leadership and, consequently, the factional composition and ideological bent of its governing coalition. (It shouldn't be a surprise that a plurality of these GOP insiders believe Jeb Bush will be their party's presidential nominee. Each knows which side his or her bread is buttered on.)
So, the salient question now is whether Paul in 2016 is more like Reagan in 1976 or 1980?

We likely won't know the answer to this for some time yet, but what we do know is that Paul is playing the long game. He's worked to ensure that he'll be able to run for re-election to the Senate next year, if his presidential bid fails. Retaining his Senate seat allows him to stay politically relevant and keep at his quest to change his party and win the presidency. In short, I wouldn't count him out for a long while yet.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul, the NSA, John McCain, and

Rand Paul's temporary stopping of the Patriot Act's bulk metadata collection has spurred a predictable assault from both the mainstream left and the mainstream right. Two particular examples show the strange political mating that can take place when interests align.

First, on Sunday night, May 31, John McCain grumbled on the Senate floor that Rand Paul was letting the world burn to score political points. Then, on Monday, June 1, Salon published an article arguing that the collection of big data is a net positive for people of color and that Paul's attack on the NSA is a function of his white privilege.


The alliance between Salon and McCain against Rand Paul is an interesting coming together of political foes. Essentially, their loathing of Paul overcomes their loathing of each other. For McCain, making common cause with a liberal online magazine that spent the entirety of the 2008 Presidential election cycle savaging him must be an odd feeling. And for Salon, allying with the man who gave us the Palins must be similarly odd.

But it makes sense when you think about it.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Sheldon Adelson In Trouble

Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire who financed anyone who could beat Ron Paul and will do the same against Rand, is facing major criminal problems according to the Guardian.

Sheldon Adelson, the multibillionaire casino magnate and key Republican party donor, spent four combative days in a Las Vegas court this week defending his gambling empire from accusations of bribery and ties to organised crime.

By the time the hearing was over, Adelson had argued with the judge, contradicted the evidence of his own executives and frustrated his lawyers by revealing more information than he was required to in response to simple yes or no questions. But most importantly, far from laying the allegations against his Las Vegas Sands conglomerate to rest, the billionaire’s answers threw up yet more questions which he is likely to have to return to court to answer.

On the court docket, the case is merely a wrongful dismissal suit. The former CEO of Adelson’s highly profitable casinos in the Chinese enclave of Macau, Steven Jacobs, is suing because he claims to have been sacked for trying to break links to organised crime groups, the triads, and for attempting to halt alleged influence peddling with Chinese officials.
Adelson denies ties to Chinese official in scandal: 'There’s a lot of Ngs in Macau'
Read more

But the extent of what is at stake for Adelson was evident in the form of the Nevada gaming board official monitoring the case from the public gallery.

Adelson accused Jacobs of “squealing like a pig to the government” and of blackmail in taking his accusations to the US authorities. They include the allegation that Las Vegas Sands paid what amounted to bribes intended to influence the Macau authorities and the government in Beijing and that the casino did business with a notorious triad leader.

The information Jacobs provided to the authorities prompted continuing investigations by the US Justice Department and federal financial regulators. If these allegations are shown to be true, then Adelson’s gambling licences could be in jeopardy because associations with organised crime could prompt action by Nevada’s gambling authorities, always sensitive to Las Vegas’s history with the mafia. That in turn may threaten the huge sums of money Adelson feeds into the Republican party. He is estimated to have spent $150m to try to secure a Republican victory over Barack Obama in the last presidential election.

The Las Vegas court hearing that ended on Thursday was called to decide where the full case should be heard – the US or Macau. That restricted the questions that could be asked of Adelson. But if the judge rules that the case belongs in an American court, then the 81-year-old billionaire will face some difficult questions raised by his testimony. Those are likely to be reinforced by internal company documents obtained by the Investigative Reporting Program (IRP) at the University of California, Berkeley, which appear to undermine some of Adelson’s statements in the witness box.

Rand Paul needs to make Adelsons money kryptonite to any candidate that is considering accepting it. This is money RAND will never get, only his opponents will. Rand needs to make sure that any candidate that accepts Adelson's money is viewed by the press as accepting Chinese Triad money
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
19 Things in Rand Paul’s New Book No Other GOP A-Lister Would Be Caught Dead Saying
From quoting Glenn Greenwald to calling Marco Rubio a 'so-called conservative' to saying the Republican brand 'sucks,' the Kentucky senator is living up to the whole 'new kind of Republican' thing


2) The face of the Republican Party should not be about suppressing the vote but about enhancing the vote.

3) If Bill Clinton stomped on the Third Amendment, George Bush trampled the Fourth.

4) [A]s the writers of The Wire eloquently stated, under our current federal policies, little has actually been accomplished to lessen drug use, while irreparable damage has been done to even the most casual drug users.

5) Pink Floyd understood that genius needs to be left alone.

6) Snowden's "flight" to Russia didn't help his standing in many Americans' eyes. Though you have to question his destination, his actions are understandable.

7) Knee-jerk reactions by the barnacled boots-on-the-ground crowd who fill the halls of Congress with angry rants seldom solve long-term problems.

Cool As Glenn Greenwald and Murtaza Hussain wrote on The Intercept, "anyone paying even casual attention now knows that killing the Bad Dictator of the Moment (usually one the U.S. spent years supporting) achieves nothing good for the people of that country…"

Never forget. |||
9) One of the first calls I received after my election was from Al Franken congratulating me on my victory. Freshman senators are encouraged to ask one of their colleagues to be a mentor of sorts. So, I figured why not?

10) In the New GOP it is cool to compost, shop at the farmers market, and maybe, just maybe, okay to commit civil disobedience and drink raw milk transported across state lines.

11) I will also cut spending. Some so-called conservatives recently voted to borrow $190 billion to fund more defense spending. This proposal is exactly why Republicans and Democrats have created an $18 trillion debt. When I showed these "conservatives" that you could increase defense spending and offset it with cuts to domestic spending, virtually none of them had the courage to vote for the spending cuts. These so-called conservatives are part of the problem.

11) Nearly 90 percent of [marijuana] arrests are for simple possession, and many of them occur in inner-city areas. Why? Because it's easier to arrest people who live close together and where there are more police patrols. It's easier to arrest people who live in poverty. People who are trapped in these crime-infested neighborhoods often have no means to escape, which exacerbates the cycle.

12) Radley Balko is the author of Rise of the Warrior Cop, perhaps the seminal book on the militarization of America's police.

13) The military imagery out of Ferguson and other American towns is not only an affront to the local citizens but a worldwide embarrassment for the United States. How can we pretend to be a country of constitutional law when we allow tanks to roll over our constitution?

14) Government tentacles...reach into the pockets of the poor, and I find that despicable and inexcusable. The policy of offender-funded justice is by its definition predatory. Like most predators, it targets the vulnerable. But Doc Ock cares little about the Constitution. All it cares about is feeding its ever-expanding appetite.

15) When I spoke at Howard University here in D.C. in April 2013, I opened my talk at the traditionally black college by explaining that the Republican Party had historically been the party of civil and voting rights....My audience wasn't impressed, to say the least....They had a point.

16) We've arrived at a strange moment in American politics where the government asks the public to view anyone who challenges its authority as wrong or traitorous, while simultaneously asking the public to ignore or accept intrusive behavior that a strong majority views as wrong. Are we now really supposed to vilify all whistle-blowers and trust government in everything it does?

17) It has been proven that massive military deployment does more harm than good in the fight against terror....Conventional war will continue to prove ineffective and too costly against an unconventional enemy that numbers in the tens of millions.

18) I have been a particular target of the neoconservatives. To this crowd, anyone who doesn't agree with them on every war is the next Neville Chamberlain. To this crowd, diplomacy is a dirty word. To this crowd, anyone who doesn't clamor first for the military option is somehow an isolationist.

19) [My] foreign policy would understand that hatred toward us exists, and would acknowledge that interference in elections or the administrations of foreign countries may well exacerbate this hatred.
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