
Topic: GOP - Rand Paul's Presidential Highlight Reel w/ his Libertarian Twist - page 29. (Read 205816 times)

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Video - Rand Paul Chairs FSO Hearing on Wasteful Government Spending on the Homeland Security and Government Affairs Cmte - June 10, 2015

Rand would be epic as a cmte chair in the US Senate and he shows it off in this video.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul and 4 Other Senators Introduce Amendment To Protect Against Indefinite Detention

WASHINGTON—Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY), Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT), Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced the Due Process Guarantee amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act. The amendment is designed to protect Americans from being detained indefinitely, without charge or trial.

The amendment aims to end ongoing legal ambiguities by affirming and strengthening the principles behind the Non-Detention Act of 1971.

"The indefinite detention of a U.S. citizen without due process is fundamentally un-American. Our founding fathers believed so firmly in the right to trial by jury that they enshrined it in the body of the Constitution, and again in the Sixth Amendment,” Sen. Paul said. "We can and will vigorously investigate and prosecute all who seek to do us harm, and we can do so while respecting the constitutional liberties of American citizens.”

“America should never waiver in vigilantly pursuing those who would commit, or plot to commit, acts of treason against our country. But the federal government should not be allowed to indefinitely imprison any American on the mere accusation of treason without affording them the due process guaranteed by our Constitution,” Sen. Mike Lee said. “By forbidding the government from detaining Americans without trial absent explicit congressional approval, the Due Process Guarantee amendment strikes the right balance between protecting our security and the civil liberties of each citizen.”

“Detaining Americans captured within the United States indefinitely without trial or even charge is a clear violation of our Constitution and our values, and it must not be permitted,” said Sen. Feinstein. "We’ve seen over and over again that our criminal justice system is well-equipped to interrogate and convict terrorists, and I support that process. We need to stand strong against terrorism, and we need to do so within the bounds of U.S. law. This amendment has been approved by the Senate in the past but not enacted; I’m hopeful that this year it will be adopted by both chambers of Congress.”

“This bipartisan amendment strengthens our nation’s founding principles of justice and fairness under the law by protecting all American citizens and lawful residents from indefinite detention without charge or trial while also guaranteeing due process of law,” said Sen. Collins. “Despite successfully passing the Senate with sixty-seven votes in 2012, this amendment unfortunately failed to be adopted. I am hopeful that my colleagues on both sides of the aisle will take action to swiftly pass this amendment into law.”

"The Constitution does not allow President Obama, or any President, to apprehend an American citizen, arrested on U.S. soil, and detain these citizens indefinitely without a trial,” said Sen. Cruz. “That’s why I have consistently supported measures to prohibit indefinite detention in the NDAA. The Due Process Guarantee amendment will prohibit the President’s ability to indefinitely detain U.S. citizens arrested on American soil without trial or due process. While we must vigorously protect national security by pursuing violent terrorists and preventing acts of terror, we must also ensure our most basic rights as American citizens are protected.”

In recent years, some have argued that the indefinite detention of Americans is permissible under the 2001 Authorization for the Use of Military Force (AUMF). The Due Process Guarantee amendment clarifies that the AUMF and other general authorizations cannot be construed as acts of Congress that permit indefinite detention and codifies the “clear statement rule” to clarify that indefinite detention can only occur if Congress expressly authorizes it.

The bill also expands the Non-Detention Act of 1971 to include legal permanent residents in addition to citizens.

In December 2012, the Senate passed this amendment to the fiscal year 2013 National Defense Authorization Act with 67 votes, but it stalled in the House of Representatives. This legislation is almost identical to that language.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Signs on to Amendment Barring Ground Troops Against ISIS!

No funds appropriated by this Act may be used to support the deployment of the United States Armed Forces for the purpose of ground combat operations in Iraq or Syria, except as necessary-

For the protection or rescue of members of the United States Armed Forces or United States citizens from imminent danger posed by ISIL; or
To conduct missions not intended to result in ground combat operations by United States forces, such as-
intelligence collection and sharing;
enabling kinetic strikes
limited operations against high value targets;
operational planning; or
other forms of advice and assistance to coalition forces fighting ISIL in Iraq or Syria
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
vote for Rand in Virginia GOP straw poll

This is for fun but this thing seems skewed in favor of Dr. Carson.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
For instance:
Kelley Paul shakes off negativity

MANCHESTER, N.H. — Kelley Paul shrugged off the recent attacks on her husband from fellow Republicans — including John McCain, who called him “the worst candidate” — as just the “contact sport” of politics and vowed to reveal “another dimension” to Rand Paul as she hit the presidential campaign trail here for the first time yesterday.

“At this point, I really do say it’s politics ... and politics is a contact sport,” Kelley Paul told the Herald in an exclusive interview. “It’s remarkable how thick your skin gets after awhile ... I don’t pay that much attention to the political attacks. Anything personal does bother me more, obviously, because you feel like your reputation ... is being attacked.”

Paul, campaigning by herself in New Hampshire through today, did admit to being apprehensive about the approaching media scrutiny over all aspects of her and husband’s life. The New York Times on Friday, for example, detailed the driving record of Marco Rubio’s wife, Jeanette.

“I don’t want to comment on anybody else’s particular situation, but that is exactly one of the things that every person in politics really has to look at, is that you live under a microscope and it can be intimidating, difficult, and you go into it with trepidation, for sure,” she said.


Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
"Like" Rand Paul's wife Kelley on facebook: - She's out there campaigning in different states and bolstering Rand's image among activists, donors, voters and party officials. If you aren't on Fedbook, you aren't worth a crap. Tongue
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul’s disdain for international adventurism was once mainstream conservatism
Countering the GOP’s nation-building mindset

The junior senator from Kentucky drives his colleagues nuts. They don’t like Rand Paul or his positions on domestic spying and international adventurism. Arizona’s John McCain warns that Mr. Paul would be “the worst possible [Republican presidential] candidate of the 20 or so [who] are running” because of his positions on these issues and he admitted that choosing between his GOP colleague and Hillary Rodham Clinton would be “tough.” Mr. McCain’s hostility is nothing new; last year his daughter Meghan told a television interviewer that Mr. McCain “hates” Mr. Paul and assumed that the feeling is mutual.

But Mr. McCain’s views on the Kentuckian are shared by many of his colleagues. It’s no surprise that South Carolina’s Sen. Lindsey Graham, who strives to be more McCain than Mr. McCain agrees with his colleague from Arizona, but as the debate over extension of controversial USA Patriot Act provisions were up for renewal or reform, other Republican senators joined the fray, denouncing Mr. Paul, his arguments and his motives. Some believed Mr. Paul was grandstanding and, shockingly, tried to shout him down as he spoke on the Senate floor. Sen. Dan Coats of Indiana attacked him by name and questioned not just his positions and judgment, but his motives.

The vehemence of these attacks could lead one to conclude that Mr. Paul is at least as unpopular among his fellow senators as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz. Mr. Cruz is roundly disliked for his manner and refusal to “play by the rules,” his perceived arrogance, and his willingness to draw stark contrasts with those within the GOP he sees as too wimpish to stand with him in his battles for conservatism. His tactics and perhaps his personality upset them. This was deeper, however, and more serious. Mr. Cruz challenges the will and tactics of his colleagues, while Mr. Paul challenges the merits of the policies to which they are so firmly wedded.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Time: How Rand Paul Has Already Changed the 2016 Race

The candidate has proven chatty and thoughtful

Rand Paul has been a bad, bad boy. Just ask him. “I’m not very popular in Washington right now” was his opening line at a series of town-hall meetings in New Hampshire, two weeks after he had filibustered and, temporarily, crashed the bulk collection of phone data by the federal government. “I messed up their Memorial Day plans.” The line drew laughter and applause in the great state of New Hampshire, a flinty and skeptical province. Anything that gums up the federal machine is a good thing, it seems, even if it involves national security. “One of my colleagues asked, ‘What do we do if the authority to collect data lapses?'” he continued. “I told him, ‘Well, we could rely on the Constitution for a few hours.'”


By the time his 15-minute stump speech is over, he has delivered a tutorial about the First, Second, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth and 10th amendments to the Constitution. “We Republicans won’t be successful as a party,” he says, “until we support the entire Bill of Rights as enthusiastically as we support the Second Amendment”–that is, the right to bear arms.


The current conventional wisdom is that Paul doesn’t have much of a chance to win the nomination–even though, according to a recent poll, he runs stronger against Hillary Clinton than any other Republican does. But his message is fresh and consequential. It throws a klieg light on the deficiencies of the two major parties: the mindless Republican war-silliness and the utter failure of the Democratic welfare state to alleviate intergenerational poverty. “I was on the South Side of Chicago a few weeks ago,” he said. “And the people there know the current system isn’t working. They’re about ready to try something new.”

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Ted Cruz’s Analytics-Driven Plan to Steal the Libertarian Vote from Rand

Ted Cruz needs to pick off enough libertarian votes to hobble Rand Paul, and his data-analytics team thinks it has identified a way to begin to do so.

The recent fight over the expiration of the Patriot Act provisions that provide the legal basis for the National Security Agency’s controversial phone data-collection program offered a window into each campaign’s strategy. Cruz supported reforming the provisions, while Paul staged a ten-hour filibuster calling for their repeal. Cruz’s camp believes that Paul is overlooking a growing fear of international terrorism among libertarian-leaning voters, and that he erred by pushing to gut the NSA’s program rather than supporting a Patriot Act–reform bill that had already passed the House. It’s one instance of a data-analysis effort that Cruz’s team will use to try to target libertarians and other critical voters in the primaries.

Cruz’s campaign has identified about 18,000 Iowans who will support the Texas Republican next year provided they participate in the caucuses, according to Chris Wilson, the director of research and analytics for the presidential hopeful. Wilson claims they have identified another 110,000 Hawkeye voters — over three times the number of people needed to win the state — who could be persuaded to back Cruz, and they have researched what issues most motivate those voters. “Not only do I know their issues, but we are also scoring them on personality type,” he tells National Review.

Perhaps surprisingly, Cruz’s team discovered that national security is a prominent and growing concern among libertarian voters. “There is a plurality of libertarians whose top issue is national security today,” Wilson says, pegging the figure in the mid-30s. “Now, I doubt that was the case in 2008. It may not have been even in 2012. But today it is.” Consequently, he believes that Cruz’s support for the USA Freedom Act, which Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell backed begrudgingly after failing to pass a bill reauthorizing the Patriot Act, hit the sweet spot in terms of appealing to libertarians who dislike the NSA but fear ISIS

That analysis may rely too much on the expectation that those libertarian voters recognize the USA Freedom Act as a middle ground between their national-security fears and their opposition to the NSA program. “That’s a little bit of a false premise to say that because people are concerned about ISIS that somehow they’re more supportive of a robust domestic-surveillance program,” says a Republican operative who is backing Paul. “What I want to know is, does it actually impact the way that somebody votes? And, if so, what solution and what proposal or idea is moving them?”

Paul’s camp assumes that he has too much credibility among libertarians, especially the ones who supported his father, for Cruz to make inroads as an alternative defender of privacy. They believe Cruz’s failure to back Paul on the Patriot Act won’t help him eat into their core supporters. “I think his not supporting Rand [in the NSA fight] hurt him in that base,” Munisteri says.

Nevertheless, the Paul campaign is clearly wary of the threat Cruz poses to their libertarian bedrock. In the aftermath of the NSA fight, they’ve taken the unusual step of claiming credit for the passage of the USA Freedom Act, even though Paul opposed the bill. Munisteri admits that the bill is an improvement over the Patriot Act, but says Cruz must “credit that improvement to Rand Paul, because there is no way that act would have been passed had Rand not caused the Patriot Act to expire.”
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul leads Hillary 44-41 in Ohio, no other republican (except Kasich - present OH Governor) beats her

Kasich is pretty universally popular with Republican voters in the state- 72% approve of the job he's doing to only 17% who disapprove. But he still performs unspectacularly with voters on the right in the primary- among 'very conservative' voters he manages just a tie for third place with Marco Rubio at 12%, behind Ben Carson's 19% and Scott Walker's 17%. But he leads the field among the more centrist ideological groups within the Republican electorate. Among 'somewhat conservative' voters he gets 24%to 14% for Rubio, 11% for Carson, and 10% each for Walker and Rand Paul. And among moderates he ties Jeb Bush for the top spot at 23% with Walker at 11% and Rubio at 10% also in double digits.

Rubio has the highest favorability rating among GOP voters in Ohio, as we have found to be the case many places lately, at 58/16. Ohio makes yet another state where Christie is outwardly disliked by GOP voters- his favorability is 34/44- to put into perspective how poor that is the next least popular Republican we tested- Jeb Bush- is still at +16 at 48/32.

Hillary Clinton remains as dominant as ever on the Democratic side- she polls at 61% to 13% for Bernie Sanders, 7% for Michael Bloomberg, 2% each for Lincoln Chafee and Martin O'Malley, and 1% for Jim Webb.
We threw in Bloomberg because of the fascination of the New York media with a potential bid from him. We found that 1) Bloomberg isn't actually that well known- 54% of primary voters have no opinion about him and 2) he is not that well liked- only 22% of Democrats have a favorable opinion of him to 24% with a negative one.

PPP's new Ohio poll finds that John Kasich would be the first choice of Republican primary voters in his home state- more than a lot of the other GOP hopefuls can say in theirs. Kasich polls at 19% to 13% for Ben Carson and Scott Walker, 12% for Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio, 9% for Rand Paul, 6% for Mike Huckabee, 5% for Ted Cruz, and 4% for Chris Christie.

This is the first poll we've conducted since O'Malley and Chafee formally got into the race and their 2% showing suggests neither has gotten much of an initial bump from his announcement. Neither has a positive favorability rating among Democratic primary voters in the state either.

Clinton is polling over 70% with African Americans, over 60% with liberals, women, and seniors, and over 50% with moderates, men, and younger voters. There's no major demographic group within the Democratic electorate she fails to receive majority support from.

The general election match ups in Ohio are generally close with one exception- Kasich leads Clinton 47/40 in a hypothetical contest. Kasich boasts a solid 49/35 approval rating following his resounding reelection victory last year. The key to Kasich's advantage is that 89% of Republicans support him, compared to 75% of Democrats for Clinton.

The only other Republican who Clinton trails in Ohio is Rand Paul at 44/41. She also ties Marco Rubio at 44. She has small advantages over the rest of the GOP field- it's 44/43 over Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, and Scott Walker, 45/43 over Jeb Bush, 44/41 over Chris Christie, and 45/42 over Mike Huckabee.

Clinton may not be polling great against the Republicans in Ohio but there's still a huge gap between how she fares and how any other Democrat does in a general election match up. In match ups against Scott Walker, Bloomberg trails 40/32, Sanders 40/30, O'Malley 41/26, Chafee 39/24, and Webb 41/25.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul: ‘White Kids Don’t Get the Same Justice’ as Minorities

Senator Rand Paul spoke out today on the suicide of 22-year-old Kalief Browder. Browder was 16 years old when he was arrested and was thrown in Rikers for three years without being once convicted of a crime. He was released in 2013 when the charges were dropped.

Paul, who’s recently been very vocal on criminal justice issues (especially racial disparities in arrests and convictions), was in Baltimore last night, and according to Al Jazeera, he spoke at some length about Browder and criminal justice.
Paul said he’s been talking about Browder’s case for a while now, and asked incredulously, “Are we going to let people be raped and murdered and pillaged in a prison because they’re convicted?”
He told the Baltimore audience that he understands the anger that African-Americans have, even invoking racial targeting in Ferguson:
“Am I saying they did nothing wrong and it’s all racism? No. What I am telling you is that white kids don’t get the same justice.”
Paul has spoken in many forums before about minorities being targeted by racially-charged drug laws.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul in Baltimore: Kalief Browder shows why urban communities are angry

It was a familiar story, a regular part of his stump speech, but Rand Paul paused before he told it.

"I've been telling this story for about a year and a half, two years now," the Kentucky senator and presidential candidate told Baltimore County Republicans, who had filled a reception hall west of the city. "It makes me sad. I thought about not telling the story again. But I think this young man's memory should help us to try to change things. He died this weekend. He committed suicide. His name was Kalief Browder. He was a 16-year-old teenager from the Bronx. He was arrested, accused of a crime, and sent to Rikers."

As hundreds of Republicans listened—voters, donors, elected officials—Paul retold the Browder story that had become infamous after a profile in the New Yorker. It was more gruesome than the version he usually told, because he was building to something.

"Are we going to let you be raped and murdered and pillaged before you've been convicted?" Paul asked. "He wasn't even convicted! So when I see people angry and upset, I'm not here to excuse violence in the cities, but I see people angry I see where some of the anger is coming from."

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
The romance with Rand Paul is gone Roll Eyes

Rand Paul’s presidential campaign, by many recent accounts, is sputtering. The candidate, according to the Atlantic’s Molly Ball, is “flailing.” His campaign, reports National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar, has been called a “disaster.”*

These judgments, even if true, are provisional. Pretty much any candidate in the Republican pack is one killer debate performance, one strong poll result, one especially good fundraising report away from a narrative of resurgence.

But there is little question that the initial, ineffable appeal of the Paul campaign has faded. In March 2013, when Paul filibustered against the government’s possible use of Hellfire missiles to murder civilians in San Francisco cafes and Houston restaurants — this seemed to make sense to some people at the time — many conservatives were swept away. “His voice, once lonely,” wrote Noah Rothman, “grew in stature. . . . It was poetic. It was romantic.”*

Compare this with Paul’s recent filibuster of the Patriot Act. The Senate gallery was staged with supporters wearing “Stand With Rand” T-shirts. Paul’s online campaign store offered a “filibuster starter pack” for $30, including a “spy blocker” for your computer’s video camera and a shirt reading “The NSA knows I bought this Rand Paul tshirt.” Paul’s Senate colleagues found themselves dragged into the middle of an infomercial. And many were not pleased.

Once it was Mr. Smith goes to Washington. Now it is Mr. Smith uses Senate procedure to conduct a fundraising campaign on a national security issue that he distorts to serve his political interests.

The romance is gone. The bitterness and conspiratorial hints remain. Paul recently blamed the rise of the Islamic State on Republican “hawks.” Under pressure, Paul conceded, “I could have stated it better.” But this was a gaffe of excessive clarity.*no it wasn't Paul’s foreign policy libertarianism is founded on the belief that an aggressively fought war against terrorism actually produces terrorism — that the United States has somehow earned the enmity it faces....


Per the writer...
Michael John Gerson is an op-ed columnist for The Washington Post, a Policy Fellow with the ONE Campaign, a visiting fellow with the Center for Public Justice, and a former senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. He served as President George W. Bush's chief speechwriter from 2001 until June 2006, as a senior policy advisor from 2000 through June 2006, and was a member of the White House Iraq Group.

In other words, a neocon sock puppet that is hatin big time on Rand catching on as he's been up in every recent poll and knocks Hillary out of the ball game at all times when his GOP competitors are underwater.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Bitcoin moneybomb July 4th - or anytime between now and then.

This July 4th, in honor of the Declaration of Independence and the Founding of America, I hereby announce a Bitcoin MoneyBomb for Senator Rand Paul's campaign for the Republican Party nomination.

Polls show that if he wins the Republican nomination he may be the best candidate to defeat the Democrats. Rand stands for freedom and unregulated Bitcoin. He is accepting Bitcoin on his donation page and is the only presidential candidate to do so.

Please consider supporting him this July 4th.

Donate here now or during the date of honor: US Citizens only

“I want to unleash the American Dream. I will return our country to freedom and prosperity, and restore the principles upon which this nation was founded: man’s right to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” —Sen. Rand Paul

Declaration of Independence:

We need to turn up the heat for this July 4th Bitcoin Bomb. I know there is a lot of interest in this, and we need to organize. I have been in contact with some members of the community who want to help. Please PM me or post in this thread if you can help in any way. We need to reach out to the broader community through other avenues like blogs, twitter, facebook, youtube, etc. Cross post this thread into other relevant subs if rules permit.

Please give your support not only for support of the July 4th BitcoinBomb for Rand Paul's presidential bid, but also to resist unjust censorship on this sub, and to combat vote manipulation that we all know is going on.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul Establishment Derangement Syndrome - hit piece

Over the past two years, a new political illness has broken out and infected establishment Republicans since Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) has risen in prominence.

When I say establishment, I am referencing the RINOs who are constantly complaining about the Tea Party, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and the idea of fighting for any issue of importance to the conservative movement. We all know a squishy Republican who fits that description.

More specifically, there are a handful of self-appointed guardians of the Republican Party who shudder at the thought of Rand Paul heading the Republican ticket next fall. They have a bad case of what I call “Rand Paul Derangement Syndrome.”

In the past week, this affliction has mutated and now is spreading like a pandemic. The cause was Sen. Paul’s victory in scaling back President Obama’s NSA spying program.

Just take a look at the latest from Michael Gerson of the Washington Post. Gerson may have the most advanced case.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's civil liberties breakthrough

In a campaign that is shaping up as the battle of the boring, the contest of the consultants and the nastiness of name-calling, let's give credit to Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) for his leadership on the floor of the U.S. Senate in his battle to protect the privacy of Americans against excessive eavesdropping.

Agree with Paul or not — and I agree with much of what he says when he warns against the dangers of the bulk collection of intelligence — he has injected substance and purpose to the presidential campaign. Good for him. He has been attacked for taking this stand of principle to raise money for his campaign. If donors want to support him because he battles for their privacy against Big Brother, good for them!
Paul received the attention of the nation on a major issue because he earned it by taking a stand on an issue of paramount importance. If every candidate in both parties would find an issue of equal magnitude on which to take an important stand of principle, as Paul did, we would have a better campaign.

I hope Rand Paul continues and escalates this issue, as I suspect he will. It will be hotly discussed in the GOP presidential debates, as it should be, which could well continue his breakthrough moment.

Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
BRUCE FEIN (constitutional lawyer): Rand Paul is right: Neocons created ISIS

Sen. Rand Paul is spot on. The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) was created and is fueled by Mr. Paul’s lobotomized neoconservative rivals.

In other words, to paraphrase Walt Kelly’s Pogo about the Vietnam War, Mr. Paul’s foreign policy detractors have met the enemy, and they are them!

With the predictability of the sun rising in the East and setting in the West, power vacuums in primitive political cultures give birth to extremists — religious or otherwise. There are no exceptions. Ruthlessness and fanaticism flourish in a Hobbesian state of nature.

Israel gave birth to Hamas by crippling the Palestinian Liberation Organization and Yasser Arafat’s dominant Fatah faction.

Hezbollah emerged from a power vacuum in Lebanon.

Al Qaeda and Taliban were created by a power vacuum in Afghanistan following the ouster of Soviet troops in 1989.

Iran’s radical Shiite regime is the offspring of the power vacuum created by the 1979 overthrow of the shah.

Despite the obvious, Mr. Paul’s deluded Republican opponents bugled for the overthrow of Iraq’s secular President Saddam Hussein in 2003 heedless of the power vacuum that would ensue. Saddam was a fierce antagonist of Iran’s ruling mullahs, against whom he had warred (with U.S. support) for eight years, 1980-88. No-fly zones and sanctions had crippled Saddam’s capacity to threaten the United States. But the neocons insisted on an invasion and the obliteration of Saddam and the ruling Baath Party to save the world from imaginary weapons of mass destruction and to erect a model democracy for the region.

After Saddam’s ouster and death, Iraq predictably became convulsed by internecine warfare and strife between Shiites, Sunnis and Kurds featuring an unstable and extremist sectarian central government allied with Iran. A splinter group of al Qaeda (which itself was armed and trained by the United States to fight the Soviet Union in Afghanistan), ISIS was born by a U.S.-generated power vacuum in Iraq. ISIS also took root and grew from a complementary power vacuum in Syria, which neocons fortified by urging the overthrow of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and training Sunni rebels.

Read more:

This Fein guy knows his history and can really write a great synopsis as you'll see if you can continue on. You can check his past via Wiki, get a better appreciation for him and see where he came from.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
NH Gravis Poll: Rand tied for 2nd at 13%

Interesting new poll of primary voters in New Hampshire by Gravis - which is all over the place IMO.

Jeb in a scorching lead of 21% at the moment (likely an outlier); Rand tied for second with Walker around 13%.

Rand scores 40% among voters with their religious affiliation set as "Other" and 21% among voters 18-49, falling to 6% area in the 50+ Age range. Only scores 2.5% among voters labeled "Protestant".

Sadly didn't include a General Election matchup, those are always the most interesting these days IMO.

Activity: 1582
Merit: 1019
I think I found a celebrity who is for Rand Paul. Matt Damon is a smart man. Everybody should listen to him with his opinion of the world around us.

MATT DAMON on ELITE & NWO - Amazing Speech On This Evil World

This means America is now a nation of “proles,” whom George Orwell described as the majority of the population who are too distracted by “films, football, beer, and above all, gambling” to care about the decline of America and the destruction of the Bill of Rights. If the proles did become aware of the larger evils, the world would change for the better, which is why the establishment wants to keep the majority of the population distracted with “bread and circuses.”

Americans are now living in a society that in some cases is more draconian, more invasive and more Orwellian than the dystopian tyranny fictionalized in Orwell’s chilling classic Nineteen Eighty-Four. On almost every front, American citizens are under an equal or greater threat of abuse, control and more pervasive and high-tech surveillance than anything Winston Smith ever faced. Compare life in Oceania to life in 2011 America, with quotes from George Orwell’s 1984 appearing in italic. Just as the citizens of Oceania were constantly bombarded with propaganda from the state via telescreens, Americans are now being subjected to the same onslaught in the form of spurious “alerts” from the federal government that are delivered through numerous platforms, including LED screens on the ‘Intellistreets’ lighting network, televisions at Wal-Mart stores that play Janet Napolitano’s “See Something, Say Something” diatribe, FEMA’s Emergency Alert System that can hijack all conventional boradcast communications, and mandatory government messages that will appear on all new cellphones from the end of next year. And if that isn’t enough, the Washington Post today called for the Internet to also be brought under the auspices of a government takeover switch. Whereas Winston Smith only had to put up with Big Brother lecturing him via telescreens, Americans will be peppered with propaganda from every conceivable direction.
"matt damon" world speech elite power control evil 2015 2016 wealthy wealth rich billionaire "united states" poverty tax "tax haven" people tv entertainment sheep sheeple future "george orwell" society social "social media" problem "david icke" obey defense "self defense history historic trends viral rule law constitution leader news international banker finance money cash "elite nwo agenda" powerful sleep spirit authority force "positive thinking" attitude "wealth inequality" matrix "bank account" banking savings gold silver "pursuit of happiness" pursuit of happiness declaration of independence jail george soros rothschild rothchild max keiser hal tuner amero north american union freemason Rockefeller Benjamin Fulford exposed haarp chemtrails bugout alex jones infowars conspiracy gerald celente david icke louis farrakhan gold silver scam mass riots race war mass civil disobedience anonymous

However, Johnson’s warning is nothing new – the super rich have been busy securing property in safe heavens for at least five years in anticipation of the next financial collapse. prepare emergency personnel for dealing with weapons of mass destruction. Dead elites are planning to live on in cyberspace by uploading their cloned brains to computer systems which will eventually take the form of artificially intelligent robots. Did you see Katy Perry’s performance at the Grammys? It was essentially an Illuminati-themed occult ritual. Various media reports say that Perry “dressed up as a witch”, and her performance included a Knights Templar cross emblazoned across her chest, a beast with Moloch horns, dancers in dark robes with devil horns protruding from their heads, and pole dancing with a broom.

Microsoft, AOL, Yahoo, Apple, Skype, PalTalk, YouTube, Facebook and Google. “People are outraged over secret US surveillance programs and they’re looking for safe, effective search alternatives,” Beens said in a statement. “We’re excited at this growth and we welcome our newest users with open arms.” When George Orwell (pen name of Eric Blair) first published his famous novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four, it was the year 1949, and it told a dark story of what he envisioned life may be like in the future-in the year 1984. His book, as well as his name, have become synonymous with privacy concerns involving technology and also an all-powerful, oppressive ruling elite that strictly governs the activities of the population with an iron fist.
Activity: 1568
Merit: 1001
Rand Paul's Off GOP Message Again, This Time on Gitmo

If a Republican wins the White House, the military prison at Guantanamo Bay will almost surely be kept open for the foreseeable future. That is, unless Rand Paul nabs the GOP nomination.

Yet again, the senator from Kentucky has scouted out a position on a national-security issue that makes him an outlier, at least among senators running for president.

That was clear Monday after Marco Rubio introduced two amendments that would extend the use of the prison: one to prohibit funding to programs that would help close the facility, and another that sets a series of tough ground rules before a president could transfer U.S.-held land or water back to Cuba. This follows Rubio's statement two months prior that he would "absolutely" reopen the facility known as Gitmo if Obama somehow closed it, as he promised he would on his first day in office.

Rubio's amendments are more expansive than one proposed by Ted Cruz, the Texas conservative, to end funding for the transfer of detainees to countries covered by the State Department's travel warnings. Cruz's amendment would codify the U.S.'s informal, revived ban on transferring the vast majority of detainees, who are Yemeni, back home. But Cruz, Florida's Rubio and South Carolina's Lindsey Graham support a bill that would prohibit for two years the transfer of detainees who are considered "medium-risk" or higher, and any transfers to Yemen.

Even former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush, a likely presidential candidate, recently said the U.S. should keep Gitmo open, despite the public statements of his brother. After he left office, former President George W. Bush, who oversaw the use and expansion of the prison after 9/11, called Gitmo a "propaganda tool for our enemies and a distraction for our allies," and reiterated that it was his goal to close it in his second term.

And then there's Paul.

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