Since the list of "credits" is BTC amounts (not "tickets"), the list of credits should have had one more digit of accuracy, with amounts like 0.525
- Provide your e-mail address to a referral
- When they purchase their raffle credits, they will receive an additional 5% credit for each credit they purchase.
- You will receive an additional 25% credit for each credit purchased through the referral.
You purchase 1 credit. You now have 1 raffle credit.
Friend 1 purchases 1 credit through your referral e-mail.
You now have 1.25 raffle credits. Friend 1 now has 1.05 raffle credits.
-When you don't use a referral, your 0.5 BTC became 0.5 credits (confirmed from my entry),
-when you use a referral, your 0.5 BTC becomes 0.525 credits (a bonus of 5%, 0.025 credits).
-when you receive a referral, you receive .125 credits.
It looks like the "referral" program gave twice the percentage it should have, since everything in the list is in increments of 0.05.
One of the best movies ever!!