
Topic: GRAYLL [IEO] Simple Automated Investment App Driven by AI & ML - page 9. (Read 7992 times)

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Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
What is the maximum number of  GRAYLL App accounts you are able to create?

You are able to create 1 GRAYLL App account per email address. Additionally the number of GRAYLL App acounts you can create might be limited by the valid mobile phone numbers you have.

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Is Your Virtual Life Digitally Nutritious?


Curating Our Feeds For Virtual Reward

Rather than allowing our online stomping grounds to steer what grasps our attention, we can become proactive, and hold the reigns over our online activity. This means a little ruthless pruning is in order! Our digital realms tend to be over-saturated with content that slipped past quality control. To transform our online experiences for the better, stripping away some of our follows — of businesses, media outlets, and individuals who deliver content that impacts us negatively — is absolutely necessary. This could mean trimming back our exposure to world news, or unfollowing those who post distressing or conflict-laden content.

The calibre of our cyber consumption should not be viewed as unimportant. A growing pool of literature indicates that exposure to different types of digital content can be correlated with the release of mood-altering neurotransmitters within our brains. As we previously explored here on Medium, the sounds we choose to hear play far reaching roles in terms of both health and productivity. We can, with this knowledge, curate a virtual world for ourselves that nourishes deeply. Whether this comes in the form of content that makes you laugh, a daily dose of art, uplifting culture, or inspiring reads, is entirely up to you.

Tech To Help Us Get The Most Out Of Being Online

As a species, we tend to focus on moving forwards — even when our behaviour has become detrimental in some way. Fitting, then, that it is apps coming to the rescue — to help us get a handle on our virtual victuals. If excessive screen time is the first woe on your prioritised list, apps like Moment, App Detox, and Rescue Time are on hand to help you take back control. If you want to delve a little deeper, US based AeBeZe labs are aiming to “lead the emerging field of Digital Nutrition™” through content that is designed to strategically trigger the brain chemicals we desire. Their app was created to stir up levels of Acetylcholine for learning, Serotonin for happiness, Endorphins for energy, and much more. Perhaps the way to view our digital diets is as an exciting new font of possibility, that is still evolving. If this is so, then — for those of us who seek more out of life — settling for a half-realised reality is simply not going to cut it.

Creating Prosperity With GRAYLL

Take advantage of an App that will grow your wealth without the need for more screen time. The developers behind GRAYLL aim to facilitate a balance between using technology to enrich our lives, while creating holistic prosperity through greater understanding of our place within the modern world. GRAYLL taps into the vast processing power of Artificial Intelligence — allowing App users to invest and grow capital, of any amount, with no expert knowledge or time commitment required. Within a fast evolving society, allow GRAYLL to help you achieve greater health, wealth, and happiness.

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Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Is Your Virtual Life Digitally Nutritious?


What we allow to grace our screens can help or hinder our mental health — fuel or drain our productivity. So, how does your online life measure up?

Research put together by Business Fibre last year revealed that the worldwide average for daily internet screen-time was a whopping 6 hours 42 minutes. With so much time online, are we being responsible consumers? Since the Covid-19 crisis began and many of us found ourselves house-bound, our screen time has only risen. Meanwhile, as the impacts of the pandemic unfold, we grapple with an increase in vulnerability when it comes to mental health. Now, more than ever, is the time to make sure our digital diet is one that nourishes. Time to ditch the virtual junk!

Scrolling With Reckless Abandon

Statistics indicate that most of us like to reach for a device in moments of down-time. For many, it’s the first thing we do in the morning — and perhaps also the last thing at night. Our digital lives offer bountiful sources of information and entertainment, but we do seem to recognise that our online habits may be doing us harm. Researchers from the American Psychiatric Association asked adults in the US what they thought of their online habits, and 38% said they believed the impact to be harmful, while the next 45% believed they were subject to both positive and negative effects.

Of course, our pocket-friendly connectivity is not something we’re about to surrender. So, what exactly are the perils, and how can we navigate them? Mindless scrolling is, as science tells us, a dangerous game. Multiple studies indicate that internet or gaming addiction can trigger atrophy within the brain. They identified damage to the insula, which is an area of the brain key to developing empathy and compassion. The frontal lobe displayed notable shrinkage, with the areas impacted being those that we need for planning, organising, prioritising, and motivation. The striatum also saw volume loss, which is where our capacity to reap a sense of reward and suppress negative impulses is rooted.

With such physical transformations taking place within the brain, it’s hardly surprising that a substantial body of research connects screen time — social media use in particular — with depression, low self-esteem, and social anxiety. It would also seem that there is far more to it than how much time we spend plugged-in. Fundamentally, the content we expose ourselves to holds make or break power for our personal well being.

In order to transform our virtual sustenance from fast-food to high-calibre cuisine, an excellent place to start is identifying the whys of our screen time. Are we hitting social media as a means to avoid thinking about the day ahead? Is it a procrastinatory crutch, or perhaps a mask for boredom, depression, or loneliness? For the latter, one of the most simple fixes to apply is moving from passive social media use to active social media use. The habit of following the interactions of others online may feel like social nutrition, but studies suggest that passivity online can contribute to increased feelings of isolation. In contrast, participating in positive virtual interactions — while they certainly cannot replace time spent face to face — has a far more favourable impact.

Self observation holds great power here. As you go about your usual online routine, pay attention to how you feel from moment to moment, and at different times of the day. Do certain types of content leave you feeling disgruntled, or perhaps plunging deep into the social media abyss late at night tends to trigger a less productive following day?

Take advantage of an App that will grow your wealth without the need for more screen time. The developers behind GRAYLL aim to facilitate a balance between using technology to enrich our lives, while creating holistic prosperity through greater understanding of our place within the modern world. GRAYLL taps into the vast processing power of Artificial Intelligence — allowing App users to invest and grow capital, of any amount, with no expert knowledge or time commitment required. Within a fast evolving society, allow GRAYLL to help you achieve greater health, wealth, and happiness.

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She was the source of these emissions. Not particularly a carbon but another gas. Smelly one. Anna Wintour, u say? Oh oh, my maker, isnt she involved in making movies? I think she is. Another handle of hers is Amber Rayne, known as Ambrosia Rankin, a people pleaser of the highest category. Having this rank is at odds with her secondary job as an editor in that journal but whether she wants to moonlight as people satisfier is up to her.
sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Can you access your GRAYLL account from a different IP address?

When you want to access your GRAYLL App account with a different IP address that the system does not recognize, the system will send you an email to confirm that IP address. Once you confirm the IP address, you are able to access your GRAYLL App account with a different IP address.

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Why you need to keep your GRAYLL App account's Private Key secure?

"The Private Key should never be shared with anyone! Your GRAYLL App account's Private Key allows you to have full control of your digital assets. The Private Key is encrypted and is used to sign transactions from your GRAYLL App account. Private Keys start with the letter ""S"" - for example:

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Contact Tracers: Is The Next Data Wave A Friend Or Foe?


International Controversy And Division

Contact tracer apps have been put into action in some countries already, while in several others testing is underway. Singapore and South Korea have reported success in using tracing apps to steer their pandemic response. In the west, trust and security concerns have become central issues, and complex factors to resolve before apps can be delivered. In China, contact tracing technology has been notably invasive with citizens’ identity, location, and payment history incorporated, so that police can identify those who have broken quarantine rules. In contrast, Google and Apple’s API intends to track possible infection, and nothing more. Apps are set to be encrypted and anonymous, although a substantial stumbling block has still reared it’s head on the road to success.

The Google/Apple model, and others like it, propose to store databases of those who have had contact on each individual’s device. When someone reports their infection to the system, your device would receive and check an encrypted key that identified them against your personal list of prior contacts, and warn you if you needed to self isolate. In contrast, app models given preference in countries like the UK and France are set to store contact databases centrally, reaching out to those who pop up as at-risk. Why does this matter? On one side of the scale, a centralized database will allow national bodies to monitor infection patterns. On the other, centralized databases may make it easier for individuals to be identified, and for data to be hacked. For those curious, MIT Technology Review are maintaining a tracking database of their own, collecting data on what types of contact tracing apps are being rolled out where, and what their credentials are in terms of transparency, data retention, voluntary nature, and more.

Are Contact Tracers Cause For Concern?

Despite the all-hands-on-deck avalanche of app development, our most burning questions do not yet have a clear answer. How many people will use these apps, and how many will be necessary for them to make a real difference is as-yet unquantified. Similarly, what data is being collected, who it will be shared with, and how it might be used in the future is as inconsistent off the blocks as ultimately unknown. What is fascinating to observe within the Coronavirus chaos is that a great deal of cultural reinvention appears to be taking place, which may trickle into big-tech strategies.

As Google and Apple — those simultaneously pervasive and not-entirely-trusted presences in our lives — work together, they have also made great efforts to address the privacy concerns of the public. Most recently, the two giants publicly pledged to ensure that their own tracing API would be shut down when the pandemic is over. Perhaps, in the midst of such a pivotal moment for civil liberties, our relationship with big-tech in terms of trust and transparency can be reinvented. What we surrender, and what we stand to gain, are worth paying attention to. Indeed, our engagement may be vital in steering what tomorrow’s post pandemic world will look like.

Harnessing Technology For Greater Prosperity

Take advantage of an App that will grow your wealth without the need for more screen time. The developers behind GRAYLL aim to facilitate a balance between using technology to enrich our lives, while creating holistic prosperity through greater understanding of our place within the modern world. GRAYLL taps into the vast processing power of Artificial Intelligence — allowing App users to invest and grow capital, of any amount, with no expert knowledge or time commitment required. Within a fast evolving society, allow GRAYLL to help you achieve greater health, wealth, and happiness.

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sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Contact Tracers: Is The Next Data Wave A Friend Or Foe?


Contact tracing is a buzz term at the moment that is popping up everywhere, but what exactly does it mean, and should we be worried about it? The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the world to it’s knees, with various forms of lockdown, and deep economic impact, sending shock-waves across communities world-wide. Debate rages as to whether measures taken are too much, or nowhere near enough. Meanwhile, governments weigh up avoiding overwhelmed hospitals with greater risk to human life, risking deep economic shock and the catastrophic potential it implies, and finally — the part where contact tracers come in — how far it is reasonable to digitally encroach on privacy in order to slow the spread of the virus. On the one hand, it makes sense to harness technology in order to save lives, and get everyone back towards normality as quickly as possible. On the other, how does what we accept in trade stand up to scrutiny?

What Are Contact Tracers?

The idea of contact tracing is nothing new — this is a honed tactic that has been employed over decades as a response to infectious diseases. Historically, contact tracers were people, rather than programs, who upon identifying someone infected would race to track down anyone that might have come into contact with them, in order to stem the spread of a disease. What makes the current wave of contact tracing different is that we have never come close to even a fraction of the scale being called for today, and in order to meet the scale envisioned, contract tracing is going digital.

The task will be performed by apps on our smartphones, rather than human beings. Of course, an army of living, breathing contact tracers have been recruited over the Coronavirus crisis so far, working to pin-point those who have flown with Covid-19 carriers on aeroplanes, or were at the same venue from which a cluster emerged. Such efforts have been reactive — an effort to contain. In contrast, contact tracing apps are pro-active. They aim to get ahead of the virus, and allow life-as-we-knew-it to resume — or at least something like it.

The Race To Trace Covid-19

Since the outbreak began, a wave of developers have set about creating apps to monitor branching infection. Perhaps the most astounding thing to come out of this effort is an entirely unanticipated collaboration between two giants. In order to roll out contact tracing on a scale of efficiency previously unimagined, world-dominating competitors Google and Apple chose to collaborate. In practical terms, this makes fantastic sense. The devices we carry in our pockets are almost universally run by software from one or the other. Their joint involvement would mean the capacity to reach billions with ease, and would incorporate the necessary access to devices’ Bluetooth with far fewer barriers.

While Apple and Google’s API project doesn’t include developing the front end of tracing apps — or deciding how to assess the validity of reported infections, or the quarantine strategy that follows — it does offer a delivery system upon which such apps could be created and, crucially, that would allow different apps to interact with one another. When running such an app, smartphones perform a digital handshake with other devices within range, reflecting those who are close enough to spread infection, via Bluetooth Low Energy connection. This allows the creation of a contact database that could be later cross-checked against those who have tested positive for the virus.

Take advantage of an App that will grow your wealth without the need for more screen time. The developers behind GRAYLL aim to facilitate a balance between using technology to enrich our lives, while creating holistic prosperity through greater understanding of our place within the modern world. GRAYLL taps into the vast processing power of Artificial Intelligence — allowing App users to invest and grow capital, of any amount, with no expert knowledge or time commitment required. Within a fast evolving society, allow GRAYLL to help you achieve greater health, wealth, and happiness.💥

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Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
What is a Private Key?

GRAYLL App accounts are integrated with the Stellar Network. The Stellar Network is a Distributed Ledger, all accounts on the Stellar Network have 2 Keys, a Key Pair, a Public Key which functions like an account address and can be shared with others safely. The Public Key (account address) is used to receive transfers. Public Keys start with the letter ""G"" - for example: GY4S3FML4S25HDAMJYZJYAC3CKLDWV2Z6YPV3IZXOSHSQKNSKUNQFXYZ. The Private Key should never be shared with anyone! Your GRAYLL App account's Private Key allows you to have full control of your digital assets. The Private Key is encrypted and is used to sign transactions from your GRAYLL App account. Private Keys start with the letter ""S"" - for example:

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
How do I regain access to GRAYLL App account if lose my login details?

If you lose your password to your GRAYLL App account, you can reset your password by clicking the "Forgot your password?" link on the login form of the GRAYLL App. If you lose complete access to your email account associated with your GRAYLL App account, you will need to contact our team on [email protected] to initiate the GRAYLL App account recovery protocol.

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Know Your Buying Power — !!!


The Ethical Element

In a Coronavirus lockdown dispatch, American Vogue editor Anna Wintour called for the fashion industry, and the world as a whole, to use this moment as a catalyst for positive transformation — towards a more just and sustainable way of life. These are poignant words coming from such a figure head within an industry that generates 10% of the worlds carbon emissions. While the eerie quiet of nations ground to a halt has certainly served to show us the natural vibrancy that results when we slow our consumption, transformation was already underway. Research from Mintel revealed that more than half of American consumers had already stopped buying from companies that they considered to be unethical.

Following a surge in consumer awareness of child labour, it’s occurrence dropped by a third between 2000 and 2012. Meanwhile, a study from Baptist World Aid Australia found that 24% more fashion companies have committed to paying those making garments a living wage. This is the consumer power in action — corporate entities have realised that demonstrating socially and environmentally responsible practices buys them the loyalty and trust of consumers, to the tune of 88% and 92% respectively. How was this achieved? The conscious choices of many individuals — stimulating a positive cycle by changing demand, which in turn triggered altered marketing strategies, which in turn increased that demand by drawing others to it.

Align Your Finances With Your Goals And Values

GRAYLL is an innovative Recession Proof & Anti-Fragile system. Investors, traders, savers and pensioners using GRAYLL have a significant advantage in these catastrophic financial markets exacerbated by the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis. Watch the GRAYLL App in action!💥

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Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Know Your Buying Power — !!!


The human brain is an extraordinary thing — evolved over millennia to a state of marvellous intricacy. However, when we choose where to splash our cash, we tend to instinctively allow one of it’s most primitive areas to take charge. In study upon study, using fMRI to peer inside the mind’s inner workings, we find that as we evaluate brands and purchasing options, it is our limbic brain that lights up like a Christmas tree. This vital but less evolved area of the brain is responsible for emotions, values, and memory. Meanwhile, in the parts of our brain where abstract thought, critical thinking, and analysis take place, the lights are likely to remain mostly switched off.

This explains what most of us know from experience — that we are all vulnerable to making poor buying choices from time to time. But inversely, it also highlights scope for us to engage in our roles as consumers more mindfully. Fundamentally, we each have far more power — through the purchasing choices we make — than we realise. So, what can your buying power achieve?

Your Super Power: The Power Of Being A Consumer

Over the course of the Covid-19 pandemic, the world has experienced the phenomenal production power of China slow to a trickle, and then begin to pick up speed once more. This fascinates many because we are collectively aware that China’s vast industrial sector had become the highest carbon producer in the world. There is value, however, in switching our analysis to a different metric. When examining the consumption end of the scale, household consumers in developed nations become the biggest drain on, and damager of, the earths resources by far.

Research from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology indicates that, as consumers, we share responsibility for 60–80% of impact on the planet we call home. Analysis from this perspective shows that the carbon footprint of the average American sits at 18.6 tons, with those from Luxembourg coming in second at 18.5 tons. Meanwhile, Chinese consumer footprints rest at a deeply modest 1.8 tons CO2 on average.

While the statistics may seem bleak for those of us classed as carbon hungry consumers, we can use this information as fuel to transform ourselves into more woke buyers. Beyond the greenhouse gas emission toll of our spending habits, our choices steer impacts ranging from the environmental, to the economic, to the personal. We have far more power to influence our world through the currency in our bank accounts than we recognise. It’s time to stop cruising on auto pilot!

Influencing The Velocity Of Money

The argument to buy locally is a common thread, but you may not be aware of the multifaceted impact that choosing local products can deliver. In the most obvious and basic sense, consuming locally keeps money within your community. Research from the New Economics Foundation in London indicates that when we choose to buy from a local farmers market, as opposed to a supermarket, twice as much money stays local. This means that choosing local has twice the power for fuelling economy in your area, and the of course the associated elevation of community.

Where things begin to get interesting is in the recognition of the velocity of money. We can compare currency to life-blood, circulating within a body. In this way, buying locally becomes as much about cardiovascular health as it does about avoiding a wound that might haemorrhage. Money needs to keep moving in order to keep economy alive — passing through many pockets, and allowing each one to reap the benefits of spending it. Through the 50s, 60s and 70s, the velocity of money was considered to be fairly stable. However, since the 80s, the velocity of money has slowed as it began to filter upwards into financial institutions. Buying locally is a sure fire way of keeping money velocity higher — keeping that blood pumping, and the ecosystem that relies upon it thriving.

GRAYLL is an innovative Recession Proof & Anti-Fragile system. Investors, traders, savers and pensioners using GRAYLL have a significant advantage in these catastrophic financial markets exacerbated by the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis. Watch the GRAYLL App in action!💥

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sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
How do you regain access to your GRAYLL App account if Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is enabled and you lose your 2FA device?

If you lose your 2FA device whilst the 2FA security setting is enabled for your GRAYLL App account you will need to contact [email protected] from your email account used associated with your GRAYLL App account.

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
What are your options to secure your GRAYLL App account?

We strongly recommended enable to protect your account with Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

*IP Confirmation
If IP confirmation enabled, logins from new IP addresses will require email confirmation.

*Multisignature Transaction
Multisignature improves your wallet security by requiring additional approvals for each transfer out of your GRAYLL account. Two-Factor authentication (2FA) needs to be enabled to enable the multisignature option."

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
What are the risks of using the GRAYLL App?

There are no unusual risks, like for all your online accounts you must safeguard your passwords and ensure you can recover your GRAYLL App account. Of course nothing is ever 100% secure, human error is a fact of life, therefore everyone must always be vigilant with their device security and password storage. Always update the software on the devices you use to access your GRAYLL account, also use anti-virus and anti-malware software on your devices. To maintain information, database and system security we have distributed databases and systems and apply a wide variety of measures to safeguard your information and the performance of the GRAYLL App & System. We also conduct regular audits and continuous improvements where required.

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Are my transactions in GRAYLL private?

Your algorithmic positions will be private. Only your GRX and XLM wallet balances and GRX and XLM transactions to and from your wallet are visible on the Stellar Network, however these are anonymous, it is not publicly known which wallet belongs to whom. Unless you publicly reveal how much value you hold in your GRAYLL App or which transfers you effected, nobody will know the details of your digital asset holdings or transfers.

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Which Distributed Ledger Technologies have been used?

Stellar Network and other distributed & “sharded” database structures have been used to develop the GRAYLL App and System.

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
What does it cost to use the algorithms?

Yes, within your GRAYLL App account you can send referral links to your contacts, your referrals benefit from a % reduction on fees charged on the profits from the algorithmic positions when your referrals close their algorithmic positions. You in turn benefit by receiving the % difference. *For example the standard fee on profits is 18%, if your referral receives a 16.67% reduction on that fee, the referred party now has a reduced fee on profits of 15%. You benefit by receiving 3% on all profits that your referral makes.

sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Is Joy Seeking the New Thrill Seeking?


An Equation For Happiness

Harvard Business School lecturer Arthur C. Brooks is an expert on happiness. Via his column, How to Build a Life, written for The Atlantic, Brooks shared on the topic of COVID-19 that “in the involuntary quiet, many of us also sense an opportunity to think a little more deeply about life. In our go-go-go world, we rarely get the chance to stop and consider the big drivers of our happiness and our sense of purpose.” He argues that “the arts have long considered happiness a subject suitable for study. The sciences have only recently caught up.”

In an attempt to redress this imbalance, Brooks has attempted to distill thousands of academic studies into a series of simple equations. Perhaps most poignant in the face of lock-down is his Habits equation — which places destiny in your hands with the message that habits dictate happiness — and defines the joy-forming foundation among them as faith, family, friends, and work. He clarifies that faith does not indicate religion, but that: “Enduring happiness comes from human relationships, productive work, and the transcendental elements of life.”

Indeed, evidence suggests that an altruistic outlook can lead to a greater sense of social connection, and increased longevity. In terms of human connectedness, Brooks highlights an astounding eight-decade long research project: the Harvard Study Of Adult Development. The study’s current director, psychotherapist Dr. Robert Waldinger, summarised the findings as clear cut: “People who are more socially connected to family, friends, and community are happier, healthier, and live longer than people who are less well connected.”

Meanwhile, in terms of work, Brooks stresses that we should not be concerned by what our work is — from blue-collar to stay-at-home — but that it gives us the sense that we are earning our success and serving others. Brooks recommends using our current interruption as opportunity to jump off the hedonic treadmill — always seeking the next thrill or hit — and instead assess if our happiness portfolio is balanced across those four accounts: faith, family, friends, and work. So simple, and yet so easily overlooked when life is a treadmill.

Nature As A Mirror

Most of us have found some joy in virtually witnessing marauding goats running amok in a Welsh seaside town, wild boar in Barcelona, orca entering waters normally reserved for humanity’s hustle, and citizens in Northern India enjoying a view of the Himilayas for the first time in thirty years, thanks to the drop in air pollution. Beyond the statistics of dropping air pollution and clearing water-ways around the world, there is a sense of a collective sigh of relief. Nature is resting, and so might we.

Perhaps with a little less busy, the view to joy will also be clearer. And, while the trauma of experiencing an invisible threat, and it’s subsequent impact is evident, perhaps as the dust settles we can tune into something new. Research conducted by YouGov in the UK highlights that since lock-down began, stress peaked but then fell sharply, happiness dropped but is now climbing steadily — and even frustration and boredom, which reportedly skyrocketed, have turned downward. Is this our thrill-seeking detox? While we have the chance to discover it undistracted, this could be the time to give joy-seeking our full attention.

Creating New Forms Of Prosperity With GRAYLL

GRAYLL is an App that aims to make digital investment available to everyone, facilitating new perspectives on what health, wealth, and happiness truly look like. We are fascinated by the untapped potential that we all possess for living the lives we dream of. Discover more about GRAYLL, and a become part of ourfast-growing community!
Follow GRAYLL on Telegram, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter to receive our latest dispatches.
GRAYLL is an innovative Recession Proof & Anti-Fragile system. Investors, traders, savers and pensioners using GRAYLL have a significant advantage in these catastrophic financial markets exacerbated by the COVID-19 Coronavirus crisis.
Watch the GRAYLL App in action!💥

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sr. member
Activity: 1680
Merit: 278
Is Joy Seeking the New Thrill Seeking?


There can be no denying that the great COVID-19 interruption has unleashed huge challenge for many. For some, this has come in the form of practical hardship, while for others, mental health has been the burden bearer. These are unprecedented times, and the impact of the present pandemic is creating ripples that are certain to linger. In the form of a silver lining, it’s worth noting that not all of the emerging ripples are negative. A world forced to slow down has the chance to pause, and take in the scenery. Here comes immense challenge, no doubt, but with an unexpected side of joy — which is well worth sampling.

Slow Art And Slow Living

Back in 2008, a man named Phil Terry envisioned a new concept, while lingering over two abstract paintings at the Jewish Museum in New York. The paintings in question were Hans Hoffman’s Fantasia and Jackson Pollock’s Convergence, and his aha-moment was to be the seed of what we now call the Slow Art Movement. It’s goal is a simple one: for us to submit to a sensory — and fundamentally meditative — contemplation, when viewing art, and to take our time in doing so. You see, when scientists Jeffrey and Lisa Smith observed visitors at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, they discovered that each was spending an average of only 17 seconds absorbing the masterpiece artworks before them. This stands as a perfect metaphor for our entire life experience — pre-Coronavirus, that is.

Our fast paced existence was one of coffee to-go, bite-sized twitter reflections, and the constant race for the the next achievement, the newest thrill, and the latest upgrade. In our frenetic states, we little often paused to smell the roses, so to speak. Our lives were infused with social media dopamine enhancements and a culture that made busy a status symbol. Of course, achievement is a wonderful thing, and the experience of thrill is an exhilarating one. However, in the absence of such possibilities, many are discovering something else. One cannot help but wonder if we are getting a taste of something that we wont want to let go of when we are released from our shared protective shackles. An even more fascinating question is whether an instinctive push-back had already initiated this kind of change — and the pandemic has simply speeded things along.

Were We Already Slowing Down?

Professor Danny Dorling, of the University of Oxford, and author of Slowdown: The End of the Great Acceleration — and Why It’s Good for the Planet, the Economy, and Our Lives, argues that change was afoot, even before lock-down forced us all to shift down a gear. He contradicts the “rhetoric about everything speeding up” that had become so normal, suggesting instead that we are “heading towards a more just and stable future”. For Dorling, this assessment was a matter of perspective, as society tends to overlook that while our species is undeniably still in a state of growth, many of the parameters to be explored are in fact de-celerating. His book highlights a statistical slowing in population growth, inequality, productivity, economy, GDP, and even technology. While we might imagine than our technological advancements are exponential, Dorling muses that within the data, “the 1930s look like the greatest age of invention”.

Could it be that our endless appetite is beginning to be satiated? If statistics indicate not homeostasis, but at least a deceleration, could it be that our individual quests for well-being practices were clues that we were toeing the breaks already? If so, the Covid-19 crisis may provide a pivotal moment in which substantial cultural shifts take hold — one that takes us towards a more joy-centric existence. Dorling sees reasons for optimism, believing that the data points to a future in which a more sustainable and kinder form of politics is a real possibility, although he frames it with a warning: “The alternative to slowing down — an ever-growing total human population, ever more divided societies, ever-greater consumption per head — would be a catastrophe”.

Take advantage of an App that will grow your wealth without the need for more screen time. GRAYLL aims to facilitate a balance between using technology to enrich our lives, while creating holistic prosperity through greater understanding of our place within the modern world. GRAYLL taps into the vast processing power of Artificial Intelligence — allowing App users to invest and grow capital, of any amount, with no expert knowledge or time commitment required. Within a fast evolving society, allow GRAYLL to help you achieve greater health, wealth, and happiness.

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