The question is, if Greece managed to leave euro, that could mean other countries which are also in debt can also follow suit and do the same. Eventually when more countries follow the same action, it can only mean that the whole union will collapse. These has been projected to happen for some time now and I see no other solution.
Well put, every day greece is still in the euro the damage to the union increases.
Greek can no longer service its debt, which is now 200% of GDP, european partners are on the hook for billions now.
Its a downward spiral for greece, there intrest payments alone are crippling them
But what do you do, you kick greece out, then Italy and Spain will be out right behind them, both are in as much of a state as greece in reality, spanish and italian banks took a kicking from which they still aint recovered.
My vote is the EU crubles in the next 10 years, and with Member states like Britan, Ireland and Holland all seeking to renegotatie there terms in relation to the EU.
At this point, greece should be likened to pandora's box, right now its just a bottom less pit from which there will soon be no escape