I received the list of Tracking Numbers for the order# up to #323.
Items promised to ship by January 21st were shipped
ON TIME. Many of them received it already and a chunk of them shucked in India due to the mechanical problems with the UPS flight. Currently I'm getting some up to 50 e-mails from the same customers every few minutes asking the status. It's slowing me down waaaaaaaayy to much to answer e-mail and PM and Skype.
Today is 25th and some are still in 24th zone, but the latest UPS Update is still showing the 23rd due to the
airplane issues. Scheduled Delivery Updated To:
Tuesday, 01/28/2014, By End of Day
Last Location:
Mumbai, India, Thursday, 01/23/2014
Mumbai, India 01/23/2014 5:59 P.M. A flight delay occurred because of aircraft mechanical reasons.
Bangkok, Thailand 01/23/2014 9:43 A.M. Departure Scan
Shenzhen, China 01/21/2014 11:31 P.M. Origin Scan
Shenzhen, China 01/21/2014 4:58 A.M. Order Processed: Ready for UPS
Manufacture is shipping out the items as promised and as I listed on Page 1 in the descriptions, tracking number will take time before I can get them.
I'm issuing out the tracking numbers from January 21st shipping date.
(More than likely you will receive the package before you get the tracking numbers)
So, for now, I'm skipping many of the tracking number request e-mails or shipping date confirmation request e-mails to speed up issuing the tracking numbers that I received and if any legit concerns you may have with the technical supports and warranty related issues including the damaged boxes from UPS delivery...
[ I know not answering every e-mail, PM, skype is rude, but let me do that in this chunk for today. If it's important, please re-e-mail me but no tracking# or shipping status request!!!]
P.S: Many packages promissed to be sent on January 21st were actually sent on January 20th... Some others are receiving 1 day earlier shipping as well all the way up to the January 24th shipping date.
Also, if you opted OUT my newsletter during each group buy, I DID NOT send you the e-mail notification. So if you'd like to be notified as the group buy or some special starts, please register on my newsgroup at http://www.sushi-review.com (all the way at the bottom of the page)