got a problem one of my S5.
- when i start it the red light blink once then afterwards the yellow light is on. but it's not hashing anymore.
- im using 750w psu all good i tried it on another s5 its working.
- when i do ip scan i can't detect the ip scan of the broken s5 and i cant do a hard reset on it. after pressing
it for 10 secs nothing happens.
anyone got a similar problem and got a solution please help me
thanks in advance
What is the make and model of the PSU?
i'm using 750w FSP - http://www.fsplifestyle.com/product.php?LID=1&PSN=384
any way to get the ip address on my s5? seems i can't get it with the normal ip scan program i use.
and i can't hard reset the unit
Doesn't sound like something that can be fixed, the controller appears to be bricked. Create a ticket at bitmain.zendesk.com to arrange to return the controller.
havn't tried removing parts from my miner.
is it easy to remove the controller or ill send the whole s5 unit instead?
You will make a ticket here - https://bitmain.zendesk.com . If Dogie is correct most likely they will have you send in controller and they send out new one (assuming it is under warranty). But shoot them a ticket and they will let you know
thanks for the reply. i send them an email i got a respond they told me to use microSD
You can try with prepared microSD card.
Please take a look at https://bitmain.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/204339655-How-to-create-a-bootable-MicroSD-card-with-factory-setting-
You can download firmware from our zendesk portal here: https://bitmain.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/203461209-Jan-7-Firmware-Image
You will need Windows computer and HDDRawCopy.
After you prepare microSD with image put it in the slot on contol board (while device turned off) and then turn device on.
i try this one hope it will help
anyone tried this one using micro SD card?