Hi guys! I'm sorry for bothering you, but I'm having unexpected hard time trying to mine in different pools and...well, I'm seeking help
So, first things first, this is my hardware:
1 raspberry pi mod. B
2 gridseeds mini (I use them in scrypt mode)
About the software, it's debian wheezy with the following:
ssh back in as miner and install the pre-requisites
sudo -s
apt-get update
apt-get install -y build-essential libtool libcurl4-openssl-dev libncurses5-dev libudev-dev autoconf automake screen
Build cgminer:
git clone https://github.com/gridseed/usb-miner/
cd usb-miner/software/cgminer
autoreconf -i
./configure --enable-gridseed
Build cpu miner:
cd usb-miner/software/cpuminer
Link the build directories for convenience:
ln -s ~/usb-miner/software/cpuminer ~/cpuminer
ln -s ~/usb-miner/software/cgminer ~/cgminer
and at this point I'm all good. But here's my problem: if I try to run both the gridseeds in the same stratum pool&worker they run fine, but I can't figure how to make them run on 2 different stratum pools!
reading the awesome OP's guide I thought this would work:
How I run the 10 miners to 10 separate pools:
***WARNING: This assumes you use username miner and home path /home/miner ****
This also assumes that you have added your user to plugdev or are using root with (sudo -s)
1) Create 10 pool files named pool0.sh to pool9.sh
2) insert the FREQ NAME and POOL variables into each pool file
POOL="-o stratum+tcp://middlecoin.com:3333 -u 13zKJjzxGpjbqJDAWAhFNHVqALqcsCWiat -p x"
3) make the mine.sh script to execute the miners
cat > mine.sh << EOF
for i in `ls /dev/ttyACM*`
source /home/miner/pool$count.sh
cd /home/miner/cpuminer/
screen -dmS $NAME ./minerd -F $FREQ -G $i $POOL
chmod +x mine.sh
After running mine.sh for this hosting thread
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/three-units-open-mining-now-unicornhasher-90-days-at-300khs-device-hosting-471764 I have the following screens:
I've created 2 files, pool0.sh and pool1.sh with pools' details, and mine.sh.
But it doesn't work for me!
also I've noticed that in the "mine.sh" code it uses CGminer syntax, while it's executing CPUminer (./minerd)...
so I've tried changing the folder and having it executing ./cgminer,
but once I run "mine.sh" it doesn't do anything, only the "chmod +x mine.sh" command resulting in this:
*instead of home/miner/ I use home/pi/ as default*
for i in /dev/ttyACM0
source /home/pi/pool.sh
cd /home/pi/cgminer/
screen -dmS ./cgminer -F -G
when I run it and then "screen -ls", it says that there are no screens-blablabla, so there isn't any cgminer instance working
similar results using cpuminer...
I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong! Does this "multipool method" work only on linux (Part 5A.1: Linux) but NOT on the raspberry?
Is there anyone able to help me?
Thanks for the patience...