Hi i want to reserve the filipino translation my portfolio has been sent via pm.
Thank you, arwin100, we've received it!
wow this is good project but where is supply and anything else
Hi indo1, thanks for your thoughts. The supply and other details will be announced very soon, please join the mailing list and you will hear from us shortly about the pre-ICO and ICO.
Can you detail more about products and tools with release timeline. Like you must be doing something like Storj for decentralized storage. And further things in which case providers will be paid in token or dollars?
When those things will come as market offering?
We run large facilities of decentralized storage, mining etc. We would love to support your network.
Also, i think you are US based and how are you planning to handle ICO situation with SEC?
Hi Sikka, thanks for reaching out and expressing interest in supporting our network.
If you have time, please take a look at the whitepaper detailing storage audits and some of the technology we use. As the whitepaper was reaching unwieldy lengths, we will release more technical papers detailing the system requirements and implementation of the three shared resource types (along with future resources and the App Shop) in the future.
Pertaining to your server facilities, initial test targets will be Linux x64 kernels with binaries tested on Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS and RHEL/CentOS 7, along with Windows 10 (x64, non-S); in terms of non-server resources, MacOS 10.12+ is supported, along with iOS 10.1+, Android 6+, and OpenWRT. That will cover the majority of the server and home/workstation/HPC markets, and people can of course build from source for other *nix operating systems.
All network transactions are conducted in HADRON coins, which you can certainly convert to fiat if needed after selling your resources and earning. The underlying concept behind Hadron, however, is to reduce the need to cash out by making other complimentary resources available for purchase, including 3rd party apps. Cashing out exerts downward pressure on coin prices, it wastes user time and attention, it creates potential security breaches during the cash transfer, and it costs the user transaction fees. The more we can circulate the currency inside Hadron, the more everyone benefits.
We've provided an estimated roadmap in the whitepaper, but how fast it is built depends on market conditions, the rate of adoption, user feedback, and other factors beyond our control. We intentionally posted late on a weekend and, so far, the response has been astounding, especially on the email list. Within reason (see the The Mythical Man-Month, or herding cats), the more resources we can utilize, the faster we get there, especially if we can parallelize development to a higher degree. Fortunately, our team is highly experienced and can scale out quickly. As for the US, our team is working on it, and we will have more information on that soon. There are options available but many are compromises.
Seems like a good project, waiting for further details about what products will come where network support people can earn these tokens?
Hi fonship, thanks for your post. Can you elaborate on your question of products for network support people? We do anticipate that the first adopters of Hadron on servers and routers will be tech-savvy individuals or professionals like yourself, and we look forward to your feedback.
look promising project dev, could you reserve italian translation, whitepaper and thread ,thanks!
Thanks davide72, thank you for that as Ludovica, our all-star, was too busy to work through the white paper. We will be in touch.