If the NXT development team wants to create some good for the world then I lift my glass to them. But if they are doing this for the money first and foremost thru what is looking like an exit strategy then shame on all of them.
A great invention does make inventors rich and does bring good to the world. It is usually both in free market inventions, inventors have both pride of creation and financials gains as motivation for work. If the financial gains had not been an important factor, many great inventions wouldn't have happened, we could ride horses to this day.
NXT developers are working to solve the problem of scalability, we should see this tech on testnet in a few months. There is a chance they will fail, investors take a risk in exchange for potential of big rewards. But if they succeed, they will achieve what no other blockchain has achieved up to this point. Well, Iota has just reached 50 tps throughput in stresstesting network, this is pretty impressive compared to bitcoin's realistic 3 tps. Iota is not a blockchain though and its feature set places it in a different niche.
If you don't see impact of all this and if you only focus on price and how NXT developers can get rich working their asses off, I have no words but to shame you for being so short-sighted in your assumptions, albeit this is probably useless so I will not.