Well looks like people will get a extra 5% for a refund not 500% . HF is asking for another 30 days to ship Oct 2013 Jets.
If I had to guess... their time booked at Ciarra has expired for Batch1 and they won't get access again until the end of January... ergo 30 days.
This is of course speculation, as I have no information other than what they write.
Hopefully they realize how much they have screwed up and when the assembly line re-opens, they just ship B1 with MPP (since it will be past the 90days from Oct 30th). Then B1 can wash our hands of the whole ordeal.
I have "optimistically" updated my spreadsheet.
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Auya3iRE6az1dGtKTGZDXzVDeFVjbHl3VmNsT216dHc&usp=drive_web#gid=8"Optimistic Assumptions":
This assumes we will get delivered a working B1+MPP combined in early February (very unlikely that HF will have found their butt by then with both hands)
This assumes linear daily difficulty in March (unlikely... supra-exponential still likely).
This assumes zero power costs (unlikely for most)
Total lifetime earnings per BJ order with these assumptions: ~25BTC
To make a long story short... It won't make sense to buy any miners from any company for the next 12 months. Expect most mining companies to start self-mining once they finish their customer batches or to sell at a price point ensuring heavy miner losses, as this model is starting to take shape.