No one would get a refund in BTC, EVER! Just get that straight. Companies typically convert to USD immediately via bitpay.
A company that believes in BTC and manufactures BTC mining equipment... converts all of its BTC to fiat the first chance it gets?I agree that no one will get BTC as long as the price stays high. If the price falls, people who paid in BTC will definetly be refunded in BTC, as per wording of the original agreement.
Yes, because real companies have bills and employees to pay, not to mention costs for hardware design and fabrication. BTC doesn't pay for shit in the real world yet. Sorry.
If BTC doesn't pay for shit in the real world, which world were the Baby Jets sold in?
Funding R&D and manufacture with pre-order money runs afoul of a slew of consumer laws. Hashfast is legit & wouldn't do that.
Therefore, there was no need to convert the pre-order money to fiat.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.
Edit: To be able to offer refunds, the company needs to have a minimum of all of the customer's funds on reserve. If that money is spent on development and manufacture, and the product fails, there would be *no money to refund the customers with*. Basic math will tell you that.