(a) Guaranteed Baby Jet Delivery Dates – Batch 1. All of the 550 Baby Jet units from Hashfast’s first production batch are guaranteed for delivery by December 31, 2013. If Buyer ordered one or more units of such Baby Jets, and Hashfast does not deliver such units by that date, then Buyer may cancel the undelivered portion of the order at Buyer’s request and Hashfast will refund the payment for the units that Buyer purchased but did not receive and cancelled. This cancellation and refund is Buyer’s sole and exclusive remedy for Hashfast failing to deliver by the December 31, 2013 guaranteed delivery date. To avail itself of this remedy, Buyer must cancel the order before such unit(s) are delivered by Hashfast, and in any case before March 31, 2014.
That's not the original.
Unless HF starts communicating soon and comes up with concrete shipping dates and delay compensation plans I will be asking for a refund on Nov 10. I ordered on the first day and have copies and screenshots of the site, the terms of sale, invoices, receipts, etc. I'm not too worried.
This may have already been done, but could you post your screen shots of the terms of sale and the site from August?
Sure. August 8:
Notice the lack of the word 'Anticipated' on the site, and the lack of the 'December 31st' date on the ToS.