Before purchasing the "upgrade" I would like to know a few things, because after all the "sales" and not really much information provided, it seems that all HF cares by the moment is getting more and more money. So:
- Really aproximate shiping date of the babyjet batch 1 ? Batch 2?
We dont really need an exact day and hour, but as it seems that you have already ordered the pcb manufacturing, everything goes as planed with the chips and I suposse that you have an estimate number of babyjets to assenbly per day, just please give us a real date of both batches so we can estimate if it is worthy to purchase this extra or not.
- This special and extra chip will be given by the same time as the 2 batch of babyjet and sierras shipped, right ?
So if we make the purchase of this extra, which will be the queue we are added on ? We are going to be added after or before the people that already purchased that units ?
- With the power supply included in this extra unit, will be enough to make OC to both chips ?
- Notices of the hosting plan ? Hosting fees ?
And I thin that with that is enough for the moment