Concur - not a scam.. just a very (VERY) poorly run operation thus far.
I agree- yesterday finally got my units that I ordered on 24.2 and can also say they're not a scam BUT the company seems to be run by only one guy, and he has too much to do. The (too) long delivery time (almost a month) is too much, and on top of that, there's no communication/support on this forum from the company after 25.2, even though user "HASHRA" visits here almost every day if you look at the profile. The other user, StevenJ, who also claimed to be working for hashra hasn't visited the forum since creating and "filling" his profile , there's no updates on facebook and twitter is in some kind of auto-spam-SEO-mode, so I don't know, there are lot of these small uncomfortable strange things going on here.. but speaking of SEO, they've managed that well, since their site is top result on the important keywords..
It would really help if someone from the company would be here to provide support, answer questions about delays etc. Seems every other company even with fake products does that, so I can't understand how they're not.. The phone number on their website doesn't work either, and to reach Simon you have to send multiple emails and wait. Although when he does answer, the communication is professional and he does answer the questions, so as long as you can just wait few days, everything is basically ok, but since we're talking about $2000+ devices here, I would expect faster responses and more transparency.
Also I wasn't first sure what to say about the Raspberry pi.. I mean, I did order the controller, but on the same time I was thinking of buying raspi anyway.. But now when they're running (and they do work, which is a relief), I am happy I got raspi in the box (and hashra promised to send me the wiibox and their own software anyway, so no problems there..)- so yeah, I guess this was a right choice from them. As a bonus, the Rasberry Pi is red, not green.
Also I have to give them credit for the new support page and instructions.
So all in all, even though I got the miners - because of the delays (I did lose a lot of mining time==money because of all this), poor communication (nothing here on bitcointalk, days delay by email, no phone), and the strange feeling about fake posters and "ghost" profiles (if you read this thread you'll understand what I mean), random waiting stuff etc uncertainty (when I order stuff, I shouldn't feel so great relief after I got what I actually ordered and paid for), I can't really recommend them at this point. But I do sincerely hope they'll improve, for all I know it could be just a rough start and some bad decisions for a very new company..