I remember when I was in middle school, we used to play cards almost every day, and our stupidity reached the point where we would skip classes while we were inside school. The method of playing was easy, as the largest number was the winning card. So, some of my friends and I would gather in the middle school bathroom and make bets with the money that we had collected from selling cigarettes.
Of course, this is not something I am proud of and I do not recommend it to everyone, but it's just childhood memories .
-Have you ever bet at the wrong place and the wrong time?
It seems that it has a certain level to this subject. While some studies consider betting to drug abuse, others believe it's more of a routine or behaviour. Stress and other factors can cause addictive behaviours, such as gambling, making them difficult to control. So, while gambling does not have similar physiological impacts as drugs, it may be a highly addictive behaviour. So I believe it's intriguing that you were driven to the excitement of gambling and the possible benefits at such a young age. Gambling, on the other hand, is for adult brains since it has serious negative consequences for humans if not controlled.