I remember when I was in middle school, we used to play cards almost every day, and our stupidity reached the point where we would skip classes while we were inside school. The method of playing was easy, as the largest number was the winning card. So, some of my friends and I would gather in the middle school bathroom and make bets with the money that we had collected from selling cigarettes.
Of course, this is not something I am proud of and I do not recommend it to everyone, but it's just childhood memories .
-Have you ever bet at the wrong place and the wrong time?
Stories like these are the main reason adults should try as much as possible not to gamble in front of children or discuss gambling and related topics in the presence of children because at that point their minds are open to absorb anything they see and hear around them and many will likely be tempted to try them out just to satisfy their curiosity until they get stuck with such a habit. Gambling during school hours is one negative effect of exposing children to gambling at early stages of life. This goes to show that once a child is addicted, nothing can come between them and their addictions and this can be dangerous if attention is not given to these children on time. Adults have a duty of protecting children around them from activities that my pose as a threat to the general wellbeing of the children.
I have never had any of these experiences as a child, even as an adult I am being extra careful so I don't get entangled in any gambling related issue.