Yet the factual science that I have shown you, which proves God exists, trumps all that theoretical science, that nobody knows exists the way the theories state. You would rather have the make-believe than the reality.
You haven't actually shown any factual science, just your own unprovable hypotheses and incomprehensible jargon. You still don't have a proof that god exists.
I've shown you the proof over and over.
No you haven't. I understand your ideas quite well, but they're not science and not factual.
I have shown you the science law over and over. You might have said it is not law, but the books and experiments show differently. In fact, Internet search shows that what I have said is fundamental science law. So, show why it is not law when the whole body of science says that it is law.
But since you don't understand it, no wonder you don't understand that you haven't proven God to NOT exist.
So you set yourself up with god-strength by saying that God doesn't exist, when, even with your poor understanding of things, even you understand that He might exist. Then you shoot yourself in the foot (head) by saying god/you doesn't exist.
There is no need to prove God doesn't exist. What's the need?
Bertrand russell illustrates why, but simply put the burden of proof lies with the claimant. Otherwise, why not start with the tooth fairy? Or invisible pink unicorns? Can you prove either don't exist?
The fact that we have responded to each others' posts over and over, shows that we both have claims. The claim of atheism in the light of the possible existence of God, makes atheism a religion.
Make atheism a fact by proving that God doesn't exist. After all, I have shown over and over how standard, fundamental science proves that God DOES exist.
If you had been only agnostic, you might have a sliver of an excuse. But no. You have to stick to the faith of your religion, atheism, even though you are contradicting yourself all the way through it.
I don't have faith in a religion. You call me atheist because I often argue against organised religion, but the truth is I just don't care about the supernatural. I do however care about logic and truth, so if you really need to label me with a religion, call it Truth or Logic, not Atheism.
I am what I am. But if someone can prove to me that there is a god, I'll become a believer. And if someone can prove to me that invisible pink unicorns exist, I'll believe in them too.
The fact that you adamantly state things that you believe, which are not necessarily backed up by proof, shows that you have a religion within yourself.
When you state that you don't care about something, you are essentially stating that you believe that the thing exists, and you just don't care about it. So, to you supernatural exists.
The kind of proof you are asking for can only be given to you by God, Himself. If you don't accept the simpler scientific proof that God exists, you will never find Him until He reveals Himself to you. But then it will be too late to change your acceptance of God in a way that will save you.