organofcorti you mentioned you wanted more evidence to look at. Moloch has kindly provided us with more studies to look at. it can be proven without a doubt that by adopting that POV (religion) and none other my lifespan would increase and it didn't actually require me to do anything that might be detrimental to my quality of life or take up my spare time, then why not?
In the interest of full disclosure this approach would be a bad idea.
Both the Gallup data I linked upthread and the analysis provided by Moloch above indicate that only the highly religious are better off.
In the Gallup poll only those who reported that religion was an important part of their daily life and regularly attended worship services had the reported substantial advantages in wellbeing. The religious who were lax in their beliefs scored lower than the atheist.
Perhaps pretending to have a code but not really following it is the worst choice? If that is the case maybe the reason Mormons do so well is because they are observant. More than eight-in-ten Mormons report that they pray daily. Orthodox Jews are also very observant.
What is the point believing in anything without proof? That just makes a person look foolish... particularly when they claim to know it as fact, and they can't prove shit...
Why would I waste 1 second on religion?
Don't give me Pascal's Wager, because it's a bullshit argument... basically a fallacy... you could say the exact same thing about Hinduism, or Islam... what if they are right, and Christianity is wrong? What if the great Ju-Ju of the mountain is the real God? I can't possibly follow the thousands of different religious beliefs, hoping one of them is true...
Why waste time on speculation without a shred of evidence?
Thanks for sharing that link. I had not heard of Pascal’s renewed wager before but I agree it is a similar argument to the one provided in this thread.
Pascal's renewed wager states that, all other reasons aside, it is better to believe, rather than disbelieve in God because such belief has tangible benefits. Pascal's wager appears incomplete due to the requirement for true observance I mentioned above.
The argument presented in this thread is the following:
If you are able to wholeheartedly believe in God and follow his guidance do so for such belief is natural and healthy.
In the end it does not matters if you cannot prove whether Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, or Judaism is ultimate truth. What matters is finding a healthy moral and spiritual code that will protect you and can be reliably passed on to your children.
I have little advice to give on which denomination to choose as I have yet to make this choice myself. I have determined only that I am capable of belief and that I will make a choice.
Others have argued that
above-replacement fertility is necessary (but not sufficient) for a valid religion.