Atheism can send the wrong message across to people, especially those weaker in faith but brushed off and laughed at by every religious sect out there. It is not a religion, just a group of non believers.
Yes you are right. People should realize that Atheism comes from a lack of knowledge and information and misinterpretation of their understanding of what is and what is not.
But mostly, atheism comes from corrupt people, who know that God exists, but think that they can get away with going their own presumptuous way, and that they sill somehow get away from God.
Silly atheists. Their doom is all wrapped up. It is theirs... if they do not change. Only a few years more, and they will die, only to face God in the resurrection. Even now God laughs at their pitiful attempts to disregard Him.
I believe many Theists to have a corrupt view of God. The obvious answer to being exposed to such corruption is to declare it as folly and become an Atheist.
What?! A theist might be like an ostrich on the beach in the morning when there is a heavy fog over quiet waters. He looks out, eyes trying to penetrate the fog, to see the boat that is coming to shore.
The atheist has looked, but can't see the boat, either - even though he can hear the oars slapping against the water.
The atheist buries his head in the sand because he can't see the boat. The theist may never see the boat clearly, but he keeps on trying.
Ignoring the obvious issue of a particular sect of Christian God vs all the other potential versions of God.
It seems your view of God is corrupt.
What is God such that God would laugh at an atheist?
The Psalms in the Bible says this about atheist fools. God laughs at them.
What is man that He would understand anything about God if God hadn't told mankind?
Your vision of God is weak and small minded and therefore corrupt. If I was raised in your sect and could find no other truth in your cesspit of ignorance, I would become an atheist too.
How silly of you. You want to go from weak understanding to complete blindness.
Just because you are sick in the head, doesn't mean you have to commit suicide like this. Rather, learn more about God through the only things that teach about Him - nature and the Bible.