Once upon a time, there were about 1000 QUARK holders and miners who made a plan together to mine a new and unknown coin as fast as possible before others could realize what happened. That coin brought nothing new to the table compared to
WorldCoin, ... After 6 months, 250 mil coins have been mined, faster than any coin that appears on the Earth. That's the plan.
After that they worked together to assign a value to those coins. The value of a coin is mostly evaluated by the market: supply and demand and it would be a very long process. However, QUARK team did not like that way. They were a small group. They made plan together: everyone in that group agreed to not sell that coin for less than 1 USD. As a result, martket capitalization of QUARK is evaluated at 250 mil USD.
In economics, researchers called it a name: group monopoly.
Great work, great team. An evil era begins
PS: 250 mil coins are too big for a new coin especially when huge amount of coins are hold by small group of people. If some one wants to cash out, it would be a big loss for anyone who holds Quark coins