Thanks, Legendary member, that's super-helpful in the fight against these scams for you to continue 'only' posting about the payouts you are receiving.
Still waiting on a reply to my previous post to you:
You *do* know this is not a legitimate cloud mining service, right? That it's just the usual ponzi-based scam, yes?
I'm assuming you'll say you do know this, which leads me to my next question:
As a 'Legendary' member your opinion of various aspects of this industry will carry much more weight, do you not think your effusive comments about this fraudulent scheme will most likely encourage others to join it and eventually result in many many people losing their savings when it eventually runs for the "We wuz haxxored!!!!!!11!!!" door and takes their money?
You may say that you are merely reporting on the numbers you are getting out of it but, if so, why would you so willingly continue posting just about your gains and no cautionary caveat to other members about the reality of the situation? Especially considering that, if you are really receiving a steady rate of payments out of their system and into your local wallet (because scam-side balances don't count), it is *highly* likely to be because you are such a high ranking member here and they want to make sure you report positively on them.