One of the traps was that when some guests left, he went to the room and threw a bill on the floor, and when one of the workers went to clean some of them, they grabbed the bill and very few called to report that the bill was gone. had fallen, he there knew who was the most loyal and with the most ethics.
Employee loyalty is highly dependent on working conditions. For example, if the workplace is good (salary, conditions, team, etc.), then the employee values this work and will not take risks for the sake of small profits (however, he may risk for the sake of a million dollars, but this is different). Therefore, if a large percentage of employees commit small violations, it does not always mean that they are bad, maybe this indicates poor working conditions.
The honesty and loyalty of employees are reflections of how the company treats them. The mistreatment of companies and businesses to their employees could result in a dishonest performance which could affect the whole business. Workers who are paid right usually perform better and contribute a lot for the betterment of the company same with huge gambling sites. Once they hire a skilled employee, they should pay them accordingly and in return, they will be loyal and value their job.