What's new?
⛏ lolMiner v1.30 (added Autolykos V2 mining ERGO; improved performance and reduced power draw of RTX 3060 semi-unlocker; significantly reduced RAM usage for Nvidia cards on ethash; significantly improved DAG repair process on all Nvidia GPUs; fixed a bug with 3060 semi-unlocker not unlocking after DAG rebuild; fixed a bug in Ethash stratum when mining with Nicehash protocol on some pools not sticking 100% close to protocol; some minor fixes)
⛏ GMiner v2.59 (display pool hashrate for all supported algorithms; added CPU share check for all supported algorithms; removed algorithms: BitTube, Swap)
⛏ SRBMiner-Multi v0.7.7 (added algorithm lyra2v2_webchain: MINTME - MintMe.com coin for CPU/GPU mining, fee 2%; added algorithm ghostrider: RTM - Raptoreum for CPU mining, fee 0.85%; added algorithm cryptonight_turtle for CPU/GPU mining, fee 0.85%; added algorithm randomyada: YDA - Yada coin for CPU mining, fee 0.85%; added algorithm yespowerarwn: ARWN - Arowana coin for CPU mining, fee 0.85%; better auto setup for 'yespower' algorithms; removed devfee for 'cryptonight_cache' algorithm; DevFee for 'heavyhash' algorithm lowered to 1%)
⛏ NBMiner v38.1 (added mining.extranonce.subscribe support for mining ERGO; fixed option enable-dag-cache causes crash on certain situation)
⛏ nanominer v3.3.6 (added option maxRejectedShares: set the maximum amount of rejected shares before restarting miner process/rebooting the rig)
⛏ miniZ v1.8y2 (improvements for Flux, on RTX 30XX; fixed invalid shares on Flux, and ETH; fixed kernel for 1650 Ti, RTX 3060, and Quadro T1000 on Beam; added algo and pers details to Telemetry; improved stale shares; fixed some issues)
⛏ NSFMiner v1.3.14 (added to log difficulty of solutions)
⛏ XMRig v6.13.1 (added support for solo mining with miner signatures for the upcoming Wownero fork)
⛏ CPUminer-Opt-JayDDee v3.16.5 (fixed GBT incorrect target diff in stats)
⛏ CPUminer-Opt-GR v1.1.7 (added additional tuning for AVX2+ instruction sets; detected multiple NUMA nodes on the system and allocate Large Pages to individual nodes; fixed stratum reconnection problems if users were not able to reconnect within the 60-120s; fixed problems with displayed share ping; properly detect problems with Large Pages set up)
⛏ CPUminer-Opt-rplant v5.0.22 (added yespowerarwn algo)
⛏ XMRigCC v2.94 (improved hashrate on RX based algorithms: synced improvements with v6.12.2; fixed invalid shared on panthera algo)
When it will be able to select in lolMiner 1.30 the algo AUTOLYKOS2?. At the moment the update doesn't allow it. Many thanks in advance!
Yes insn't not listed... update not verified :/
I tested this version anyway, but my hashrate is not stable
I am at 171Mhs with my 3070 with the other mining software, I go up to 171mhs then go down to 163mhs, then go up ...
why ?
That happen with the build Data ergo Set... put longer stats... the other miners don't calculate that seconds that you are not mining, that you are building the data Ergo Set.
put longer stats ? where i have hiveos, i changed this in linux hiveos
--timeprint 0 --shortstats 1800 --longstats 3600 --basecolor