A lot of things can be said as facts, and those so-called facts can also be said as a hoax--false, hearsay, just like that (easy, right?). But then again, those who claimed that these facts are a mere hoax and false claimed facts they themselves do not provide "evidence" that these are indeed false claims, hence makes them a hoax themselves. I can't stress this enough, conspiracy (theory crafting) about facts being a hoax, in the end, are hoax themselves.
Heck, after reading all these makes me think that words in the dictionary are a hoax as well, that these didn't really mean what is written, and people who translate from language to another aren't accurate or correct at all. And when I think about it, "religion" always comes to my mind, that the "bible" we know now is just a propaganda of a hidden organization that is playing the strings of how the world works right this very moment.
I mean look at it now, "religion" has a huge influence.
Religion is a good example, as it stands in opposition to science.
Science is just the name for truth proven by evidence.
Religion demands that science provides evidence, which it does by definition.
However if science demands that religion provides evidence that God exists, they can't. Apparently they don't need to... it's all based on faith... you need to provide evidence but we don't need to.
Religion doesn't stand in opposition to real science. Religion is simply something that is different than science, and way ahead of it.
There is, of course, some stuff that is called science, but it isn't really science... like big bang, evolution, black holes, the idea that stars are nuclear rather than electric plasma, and a whole lot more.
The only reason flat earth isn't in there is that it is easy to disprove. Nobody has gone to those other things to prove or disprove them.